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CATIA V5R20SP1以上版本 ※底下示范autoform4.6集成在CATIA V5R19的版本中设置。 Step 1. 首先在Autoform安裝光碟中找到AFCAD目錄,Copy对应CATIA安裝的版本的压缩档案,並且解压。 放在你任合自己喜好的位置,建议安装在C:\AFCAD_CATIA-V5R19_AFplus_R3.1_Win64\win_b64。 Step 2. 1.在CATIA Environment中新增...
Within each version, Dassault Systèmes also offer updates in the form of releases. New releases are typically released annually and also bring additional functionality within the Version as well as bug fixes. CATIA V4: CATIA V5: CATIA V6: For large organisations, it can be difficult to handle...
The full power of CATIA V5 to Teachers and their Students Based on the same solutions used by Industry professionals All that you need CATIA V5 for Education supports all your CAD modeling activities from shape and styling, to mechanical design, product synthesis, simulation and much more. ...
Application domain:Simulation Solution Overview ESI Group's PAM-DIEMAKER for CATIA V5 is a dedicated Workbench presented inside the CATIA V5 environment; it is a fully integrated software tool to provide trade oriented solutions for rapid Stamping tool design directly within CATIA V5. ...
CATIA V5 Full Patch provides highly intuitive tools for quickly creating, validating, and modifying any sort of surface, from freeform to mechanical shapes. Product Creation Knowledgeware solution sets convert implicit design approaches into explicit knowledge in order to achieve the best design possible...
可以与CATIA V5产品配合使用,如生成分型线和分型面、模具仿真、生成装配图纸、加工等, 5、可以加快整个模具设计、制造流程。CATIA钣金设计1(SM1)CATIA钣金设计2(SMD)P1及P2机械设计产品提供基于钣金特征的工具进行钣金零件的设计。该产品可以结合其它CATIA V5应用产品进行综合应用,进行零件设计、装配设计和绘制二维...
Full integration in the CATIA V5 environment Key Features Specially designed CATIA features for process designers Dedicated surfacing tools with built-in analysis features Automatic update functions Support of company-wide workflow standardization and data consistency ...
CATIA V5R16 SP5以上版本 CATIA V5R17 SP1以上版本 CATIA V5R18 SP1以上版本 ※底下示範安裝在CATIA V5R18的版本中設置。 Step 1. 首先在Autoform安裝光碟中找到AFCAD目錄,Copy對應CATIA安裝的版本的壓縮檔案,並且解壓。 放在你任合自己喜好的位置,不過我個人建議放置在C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B18...
可以与CATIAV5产品配合使用,如生成分型线和分型面、模具仿真、生成装配图纸、加工等,可以加快整个模具设计、制造流程。CATIA钣金设计1 5、(SM1)CATIA钣金设计2(SMD)P1及P2机械设计产品提供基于钣金特征的工具进行钣金零件的设计。该产品可以结合其它CATIAV5应用产品进行综合应用,进行零件设计、装配设计和绘制二维工程图纸...