Selecting this check box directs the CATIA software to export object edges (in the form of IndexedLineSets). Set the appropriate Save textures check boxes to the desired settings. In particular, if you want to save textures, select the Save textures in external files option. This option ...
Iyu: 1、打开UG软件,点击“文件”菜单,选择“导出”,在弹出的对话框中选择要导出的文件格式,如“.stl”、“.iges”等。2、在弹出的对话框中,根据需要设置导出的参数,如坐标系、坐标系类型、单位等。3、点击“确定”按钮,在弹出的对话框中选择要保存的文件路径,输入文件名,点击“保存”按钮,即可完成UG角色的...
Allows recipients of the eDrawings file to save it as an STL file from the eDrawings Viewer. Export BOM table Exports bill of material information from a CATIA assembly in the eDrawings file. Export FTA Exports 3D annotations with 3D captures in the eDrawings file. Click OK to save the...
Settings设置 Tolerance公差 Point点 Line直线 Circle圆 Ellipse椭圆 Slot沟槽 Retangle矩形 Polygon多边形 Plane平面 Cylinder圆柱面 Sphere球面 Cone圆锥面 Construct-构造 Surface Form Cloud由点云构造曲面 Uniform Surface Shift+F自由曲面 Cylindrical Surface w/Curve点云+曲线形成圆柱面 Interpolate Surface通过特定点的...
可以转成SolidWorks能打开的格式,如step,stp,iges,stl.3Dm…… kiss mayue邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (2) 3D导入模型后文件很大怎么办? 共4条回答 > 曾先生: 我用的是3DMax2009每次导入几个模型之后文件就变得很大,我知道有的是高精度模型,但是我用multires这个命令分解之后还是会很大?我想知道到底是因为...
一:标准01:撤销(撤销命令的步数在工具-选项-常规-PCS中可调,名为“堆栈大小”)02:重做(重做命令,电脑自带的重做命令为Ctrl+Y,在CATIA中也可当做“重做”命令使用。 另外,当使用并确认过一个命令之后,可用Ctrl+Y重复使用之前使用过的命令。 另外,重做命令不会像撤销命令一样撤销多个步骤。 )二:图形属性(在颜色...
打开存盘另存为自动存盘 硬Copy 复制到剪贴板尺寸报表查看注册文件读入草图 Alt+X 退出 Edit-编辑 LayerManagerCreateGroupUngroupUndoHideEntityRedoUndo/RedoHistoryUndoTransformRepeatLastOperationDeleteAllCutCopyPasteChangeEntityNameEmptyTrashPreferanceImport/ExportSystemErrorRangeSettingRestoreDefaulteEnableScreenUpdatesOpen...
Allows recipients of the eDrawings file to save it as an STL file from the eDrawings Viewer. Export BOM table Exports bill of material information from a CATIA assembly in the eDrawings file. Export FTA Exports 3D annotations with 3D captures in the eDrawings file. Click OK to save ...
Dassault Systemes - CATIA Version 6 Release 2013 - Product Enhancement Overview STL Rapid Prototyping Customizing Settings Display Modes In Shading with Material mode, Back and front mode displays meshes with different front and back colors. Dassault Systemes - CATIA Version 6 Release 2013 - Product ...
Allows recipients of the eDrawings file to save it as an STL file from the eDrawings Viewer. Export BOM table Exports bill of material information from a CATIA assembly in the eDrawings file. Export FTA Exports 3D annotations with 3D captures in the eDrawings file. Click OK to save ...