02-10 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Expressions Math Operators ) 03:47 02-09 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Putting Data in Variable ) 03:29 02-07 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Literals ) 01:55 02-08 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Variables )
创建标注位面创建标注位面 (2/8) 正视图(Front View) 投影视图由蓝色的轴表示,在配置树上标示为“正视视图(Front View)”Front View正视视图正视视图第16页/共65页第十六页,编辑于星期五:十三点 二十二分。创建标注位面创建标注位面 (3/8) 截面视图(Section View 12、)这个特定的标注平面用来管理3D标注: 定位...
Measure section profiles. Compare CATIA Files Compare design revisions of CATIA files and inspect changes in 3D. View the added, removed, and modified features. Free DWG/DXF Viewer View DWG, DXF, and CATIA CATDrawings files with Glovius 2D Viewer. Take measurements, compare revisions, and ...
尺寸公差显示 Part Design 零件设计 1 在FTA中, 创建3D标注 2 使用二维绘图工作台, 生成带3D标注的二维图纸 3 投影视图 / 标注位面 Front View 正视视图 Section View / Annotation Plane 截面视图 剖面 / 标注平面 剖面 在配置树上选择一个视图,右键选择 “属性”命令; 对话框出现; 点击“视图(View)”菜单...
SectionView:Aviewofthecuttingplaneandanygeometry thatextendsbeyondthecuttingplaneinthedirectionofthe sight(arrows). SectionCut:Aviewofonlythematerialthat thecuttingedgetoucheswhenpassing throughthepart. 29 AddingaSectiontypeViewonaDrawing 1Toaddasectionviewonthisdrawing2Activatethefrontviewandselectthedesired Sectio...
CATIA V5 Training CATIA V5 装配设计 Assembly Design CATIA V5 Training 一、进入装配模块的方法: (1)Start菜单 (2)File-新建Drawing CATIA V5 Training 二、概念介绍 零件:零件是最基本的装配单位,是特征树上显示的最后一级独立的几何体文件。 组件:组件由零件和(或)其它组件组成。组件可以是几个零件...
在工程图中创建爆炸视图也使用此命令,首选在装配环境中创建爆炸图场景,然后单击该命令图标,在3D环境中选择场景,然后再单击要创建工程图的装配体的面,即可创建爆炸视图。CATIA V5 Training2、剖截面(Section)1)偏移剖视图 (Offset Section View) 创建偏移剖视图前首先要激活要做剖截面的视图,用鼠标画出剖视图方位,...
The way a 3d model can be visualized and the way it can be represented on a 1:1 section of either from view, top view or side view gives a clear model that can be further used. Also it gives user an option where type of motion can be linked for various parts and how it visualize...
DMU分析软件设置 Tools→Option→Infrastructure→ProductStructure:ProductVisualization➢在Representation选项,选中Donotactivatedefaultshapesonopen CATIASettingForDMU Tools→Option→Infrastructure→PartInfrastructure:General➢在ExternalReference选项,选中Keeplinkwithselectedobject、Userootcontextinassembly和Allowpublicationof...