可新增零件(part)、产品组装(product)、2d绘图(drawing)、加工程序(process殍。零件的附文件名为catpart、产品组装的附文件名为 catproduc、2d绘图的附 档名为catdrawing、加工程序的附文件名为 cat process蔽3.点选ok蒲开启旧档(open) :蝇从档案(file)开启旧文件(open)或是直接点选图示,开启已存在的 catia文...
PartDesignicon ChooseDRAFTING ThereareafewsimplewaystogofromPartDesigntoDRAFTING.IfyoudoubleclickthePartDesignicon(toprighthandcorner)youwillaccessanavigationwindowasshown.Fromhere,youcanpickDRAFTING.100 Drafting AnotherwaytodoitistoclicktheSTARTdrag-downmenuandchooseDRAFTING.101 TheNEWDRAWINGCREATIONdialogboxwill...
Part是存储CATIA模型数据的基本文件,通常以*.CATPart为后缀。 工作台(Workbench): 产生某种指定类型构件(component)的一系列菜单工具组,即完成CATIA某类功能(或产品模块)的菜单集合。例如,零件(Part)菜单是实体设计模块的构件(PartDesigncomponent),二维图菜单(drawing)是二维图设计模块构件(Draftingcomponent),产品菜单(...
CAM includes three main components as Software- which helps to generate a toolpath to make a final product, Machinery- which makes the raw material into a finished product, and post-processing- which converts a toolpath into a CNC language that the CNC machine can run. Example of CNC langu...
(2/2)DAY 3 MORNINGFoilsExercisesFoilsExercisesManaging the part, Pivot and non-pivot symmetryPly tableNumerical Analysis, Core Sampling analysisEx 15 – 16 – 17DrawingEx 18 – 19 AFTERNOONFoilsExercisesFoilsExercisesFoilsExercisesManufacturing dataShell SwappingEx 20 – 21 – 22Edges Of PartMaterial...
26、oose the document type from the following: Part、Drawing、Product、Analysis、CatalogDocument、Process、ProcessLibrary(2) 保存管理Save ManageThe "Save Management." command lets you save all your modified documents under a new name and a new location.Here are the various states that may be 27...
To produce an isometric projection, it is necessary to place the object so that its principal edges make equal angles with the plane of projection and are therefore foreshortened equally. Click theDrawing window, and click the Isometric View icon from the Views toolbar (Projec...
CATIA, such as Part Design, Assembly Design, Generative Surface Design, Generative Structural Analysis, Generative Sheetmetal Design, Real-Time Rendering, and Generative Drafting, enable users to perform various tasks, from precise part and assembly modeling to analysis, rendering, and drawing creation...
The format is very annoying, it makes it difficult to see the part profile if its size is similar to the paper dimensions. The drawing format "shadow" hides the geometry. The work around that I came up with was to set the paper height and paper width to very small numbers, 0.0000001 ...
Choose the document type from the following: Part 、 Drawing 、 Product 、Analysis 、CatalogDocument 、 Process 、 ProcessLibrary (2) 保存管理 Save Manage The Save Management... command lets you save all your modified documents under a new name and a new location. Here are the various states...