Fastestwayistoright-clicktheassembly(thatwillreceivethecomponent)andusetheContextualMenutoinsertthecomponent 3 LastwayistoselecttheassemblyandusetheInsertMenu 3种方式toinsertcomponentsintoanassembly: 1、ContextualMenu,2、ProductStructuretoolbar,and3、InsertMenu. ...
Select Component Type: In the pop-up window, specify the type of component you want to insert, whether it's a part, a subassembly, or an external reference. This ensures you're inserting the appropriate element into the assembly.
1 Copy the A3 - Porous Media folder into your working directory and ensure that the files are not read-only since FloEFD will save input data to these files.复制“A3 - Porous Media”文件夹到你的工作目录并确认文件不是只读状态,因为FloEFD将会向保存其输入的 数据到这些文件。FloEFD FEV2019.1...
新建 Assembly Document 特征树的组成以及增加组件 添加组件Components 如何添加新的或已存在的组件 components 到一个装配 assembly 什么是组件 Components ? 添加 Components ... 插入已存在的 Component 插入新 Part 插入新产品 插入新组件 复制-粘贴组件 设置复制-粘贴组件选项 用户设置: 手动输入 Part Number 从库...
8、to right-click the assembly (that will receive the component) and use the Contextual Menu to insert the component,3,Last way is to select the assembly and use the Insert Menu,3种方式 to insert components into an assembly: 1、Contextual Menu,2、 Product Structure toolbar, and 3、Insert...
Inserted files are not copied into the assembly, they are just “referenced” by the assembly. 1 Right-click the assembly 2 Existing Component 3a Choose a filter if desired (for example, CATPart, CATProduct, model, etc) 3b Double-click the file to insert You can import more than one ...
2、做接口 CATIPrtWksAddin 的 implemention, insert-component, 弹出对话框如图, 输入 addin 的名字,点击 add 再点击浏览选择要执行的接口,如图。要选择的接口为 CATIPrtWksAddin 注意 Search workspace 为你的 CATIA安装路径,并将下面的单选框设为空。点 ok 完成。文件相应的试图如下: 3、此时建立了一个空的 ...
Device/Component Mounting Equipment Cavity On Connector On Connector Cavity Connection Point Device/Component Mounting Equipment Equipment Shell Single Insert Connector Multi Insert Connector Stud Terminal Block Contact Filler Plug Cavity Connection Point Bundle Connection Point Equipment Cavity Cavity Bundle ...
4. 未经权益所有人同意不得将文件中的内容挪作商业或盈利用途。 5. 装配图网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。 6. 下载文件中如有侵权或不适当内容,请与我们联系,我们立即纠正。
2.6. Advanced Pre-Processing Tools - Force with Compass Instead of specifying each component of the force vector, you can simply define the force direction by using the compass. This will ensure that the force is defined relatively to the part, whatever its positioning. Advanced Pre-Processing ...