I used Catia v5 R19 and this version comes with a shipped example model “Robot_ABB_S2-Irbl6_2.CATProduct”.I hard link to this in my code. Maybe you have to change this path on your machine. I hard linked to the .NET DLL from the MATLAB side. You have to modify this path so ...
插入新建的工作台MyWorkBench 后的 CATIA 开始菜单如图3 所示,它与CATIA 现有的模块成为并列关系。现在进入MyWorkBench 工作台里面没有任何工具条及按钮,下面添加这部分工具。生成的新的工作台2、 添加工具条及按钮首 先创建按钮的描述类 CAAAfrGeoCreationWkb ,派生于CATBaseUnknown类。CATBaseUnknow n 是创建用户...
MybenchTlb.Title="月亮"; MyCmdHeader.CA TRsc中添加 MyCmdHeader.point.Icon.Normal="mycmd"; 另一个CA TNIs文件是实现workbench的命令头文件 6..dico文件定义的是链接库 还一个是工厂定义 新建一个workbench的时候,首先要以workbench名声明一个工厂 然后CATApplicationFrame框与工厂进行库连接 给新建的workbench...
After the restart CATIA, you will need to get the tool command on your love position; 32. batch convert IGES and STEP documents into CATPart documents: TOOLS UTILITY BATCH The -DXF-IGES-STEP tool, select the document conversion, output path, and the conversion of the format set parameters,...
I really want to creat a macro for institiate the power copy by pressing a button (using a macro), and after institiate a powercopy, i want to make a few other things, that i need to add in a macro, but for this i need to put my macro working with select inputs during executio...
获取根容器 CATIContainer_var GlobalFunction::GetContainer() { CATInit_var spInit = GetDocument(); CATIContainer_var pCont =NULL_var; if (NULL_var != spInit) { pCont = (CATIContainer_var)spInit -> GetRootContainer("CATIPrtContainer"); } return pCont; } 第三章 CATIA函数工厂及拓展类...
MybenchTlb.Title="月亮"; MyCmdHeader.CATRsc中添加 MyCmdHeader.point.Icon.Normal="mycmd"; 另一个CATNIs文件是实现workbench的命令头文件 6..dico文件定义的是链接库 还一个是工厂定义 新建一个workbench的时候,首先要以workbench名声明一个工厂 然后CATApplicationFrame框与工厂进行库连接 给新建的workbench与...
MybenchTlb.Title="月亮"; MyCmdHeader.CATRsc中添加 MyCmdHeader.point.Icon.Normal="mycmd"; 另一个CATNIs文件是实现workbench的命令头文件 6..dico文件定义的是链接库 还一个是工厂定义 新建一个workbench的时候,首先要以workbench名声明一个工厂 然后CATApplicationFrame框与工厂进行库连接 给新建的workbench与...
catch and treated in // the CATCatch() block CATTry { iStat = ispSpec - Update(); #ifdef DEBUG_CAASERVICES cout Update iStat = iStat endl; #endif // V5R13 // check Linearity / usefull for absorbant feature inserted in OGS CATISpecObject_var spFather = ispSpec-GetFather(); if ...