Marriage & Family Life Marriage & Parenting,Men's Issues,Women's Issues,Youth & Young Adults Media Magazines,Newspapers,Online Audio,Radio,Television & Film,Web Places to Go Pilgrimages,Recreation & Retreats,Shrines Pro-Life Abortion & Adoption,Contraception & Natural Family Planning,Euthanasia ...
I see so many homes in which warmth does not exist, the love of mother or father is not visible, where the children have learned to be selfish and focus only on fulfilling their personal desires without looking at who is by their side (Cf. Eph. 6,4; Col 3,20). This is an inordin...
NON-DEBATE discussions on abortion, euthanasia, and other Life and Family Life Issues. DoNOTpost challenges to topics here!! Moderators: CCF_Carol, CCF_Denise Threads: 2,011 Posts: 10,265 Good arguments against... by CCF_Carol April 5th, 2023,09:45 AM ...
NON-DEBATE discussions on abortion, euthanasia, and other Life and Family Life Issues. DoNOTpost challenges to topics here!! Moderators: CCF_Carol, CCF_Denise Threads: 2,011 Posts: 10,265 Good arguments against... by CCF_Carol April 5th, 2023,09:45 AM ...
all other things being equal.5This is why atheism tends to lead toward euthanasia, the selective killing of the aged, the terminally ill, infants born with Down Syndrome, and others judged to be incapable of attaining a quality of life that outweighs their suffering so far as we can tell....
euthanasiapalliative careRoman Catholic healthcare institutions in the United States face a number of threats to the integrity of their missions, including the increasing religious and moral pluralism of society and the financial crisis many organizations face. These organizations in the United States ...
”The phrase “Culture of Death” typically refers to issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research.The article uses strong negative descriptors for former Governor Kate Brown (D), referring to her as the “Petulant Poster Child for the Culture of Death,” labels the ...
The Seamless Garment was idea introduced by the late Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago. Bernardin’s idea was that “abortion, capital punishment, militarism, euthanasia, social injustice and economic injustice” were all of equal importance. This is contrary to the teachings of St. John Paul II, who...
They Have Opened the Way to Abortion and Euthanasia Pro-abortionists Ted Kennedy and John Kerry are happy men. The U.S. Conference of [Newchurch] Catholic Bishops have handed the senators (and other pro-abortionists) a victory in the document "A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death,"...
whether the conference’s policy identifying abortion as a "preeminent" issue would be misleading if it "were to give the impression that abortion and euthanasia alone constitute the only grave matters of Catholic moral and social teaching that demand the fullest accountability on the part of ...