We should take a more catholic view of the EucharistWHEN JESUS, AFTER HIS resurrection, sat down with the two from Emmaus--Cleopas and probably his wife--"he took their bread, said a, blessing, broke it and gave each a piece" (Luke 24:30).Donders, Joseph G...
(Roman Catholic Church) the Christian Church over which the pope presides, with administrative headquarters in the Vatican. Also called:Catholic ChurchorChurch of Rome Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
View Event Details A Jubilee Revival for a Flourishing Church (Ashland County) March 6, 2025 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm St. Edward Parish, 501 Cottage Street, Ashland, OH 44805 View Event Details Regional Eucharistic Congress at St. Gabriel Catholic Church (Concord) ...
Annunciation | Assumption | Blessed Virgin Mary & Child Jesus | Cross | Good Shepherd | Holy Eucharist/Priest | Holy Family | Immaculate Heart of Mary | Infant of Prague | Jesus & Apostles | Nativity | Our Lady of Fatima | The Resurrection/Easter | Sacred Heart of Jesus | St. Joseph &...
Viewpoint Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis) Excellent video! The viewpoint of the recognize-and-resist "anything but sedevacantism" "Catholics" is absolutely baffling. Thank God for Most Holy Family Monastery to shed light on these false traditionalists that continue to...
To be the innovative leader in helping Catholics and their parishes become the best-version-of-themselves. The Catholic Moments Ten game changers that are inspiring, compelling, and relevant to everyday life.To view every Catholic Moment, click here. ...
tended to see this as rhetorical excess, not believing that any serious person could really hold such a view of an alleged “right” never advanced by the Court or proclaimed by any legislature, when there were obviously other ways that Congress could have delivered contraceptives free of charge...
The larger question arising from Mr. Bowman’s argument from history is not whether some Christian groups disagree with Catholic doctrines such as the Eucharist, but whether or not the early Church was in fact Catholic. I suspect the real reason Mr. Bowman declines to dispute my claim that th...
As Tertullian points out, the very clay in which Adam was formed was created in view of Christ; man was created in view of Christ. And so history is directed towards Christ, that is, towards “Christification”. This movement of history does not stop at the Ascension of Christ; it is...
I have uploaded the talk that I gave at the Eucharistic Congress. It is available to be viewed atDeacon Steve’s Homilies and Talks. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) ...