6. The Crusades The crusades were a series of religious wars in western Asia and Europe initiated, supported and sometimes directed by the Catholic Church between the 11th and the 17th century. The crusades differed from other religious conflicts in that participants considered them a penitential ...
In the field of religion we like to suggest that authentic religion is a two〆dged sword. On the one hand, religion has the duty to "comfort the afflicted" while on the other hand, religion must "afflict the comfortable." Those who comfort the afflicted are regarded as "saints" because...
The “Sachsenspiegel” (compilation of Saxon law, c. 1230) caused this view to prevail. At the time of the double election of Otto and Philip the policy pursued by the German princes was a purely selfish one. The energetic Innocent III, who was then pope, claimed the right of deciding ...
Eric Christensen. The Northern Crusades. The Baltic and the Catholic Frontier, 1100-1525. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1980. xii, 273 pp. cloth $25.00; paper $10.95.BioassayEcotoxicity testingGrowth inhibitionMicro-organismMulti-species...