"I want this image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter; that Sunday is to be the Feast of Mercy. On that day, the depths of My Mercy will be open to all. Whoever will go to confession and Holy Communion on that day will receive complete forgiveness of sin and pu...
In the Catholic Church, humanitarian work alone is not sufficient enough for canonization as a saint. It is mandatory that a candidate for sainthood must be associated with at least two miracles to demonstrate that he or she, worthy of sainthood, must be in heaven, interceding with God on b...
you become a tool of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a “pen” or “paintbrush” in her hands. You take your consecration and do something with it to change the world. And in writing that book, “Bul
When secrets and failed dreams kick off the summer after eighth grade, who will be around to support her as high school starts in the fall? 10 Steps to Girlfriend Status (The Bird Face Series, Volume 2) by Cynthia T. Toney Wendy Robichaud is on schedule to have everything she wants ...
‘Pope approves decrees for 17 on path to sainthood In a December 14 audience with the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Pope Francis approved the publication of decrees that advance the sainthood causes of 17 servants of Godcontinued... ...
Kendzierski, the archdiocese spokesperson, said its leaders have taken significant steps to address the church's legacy of racism. He said the archdiocese's Office of Black Catholic Ministry works to "lift up our Catholic social teaching related to the dignity of th...
sainthood because of his stand on abortion. That’s an oversimplification, but neither here nor there, earnest investigations are now going on to discover whether any miraculous cures can be attributed to prayers offered up to him since his death. I am not joking. That is the case and it ...
Facing the impossible in many ways is no different than facing what is probable. Both are arenas for a mental chess game whereby perceived losses only function as small steps to winning, a methodological anticipation of what has yet to come. We are all exceedingly impatient beings. The impossib...
However, we tend to be an attack site more than a defense site. We go after any faith, culture, ethos, economic system, political system or other entity that falsely claims superiority and/or steps out to challenge us. We see a symbiotic relationship between orthodox Catholicism and the ...
However, we tend to be an attack site more than a defense site. We go after any faith, culture, ethos, economic system, political system or other entity that falsely claims superiority and/or steps out to challenge us. We see a symbiotic relationship between orthodox Catholicism and the ...