In 2017, Carson and Flood outlined a general duty to be vaccinated, arguing from Catholic social teaching on justice, love, solidarity and the common good. This necessarily relied on assumptions about the typical nature of vaccination, assumptions which do not always hold true in concrete ...
Catholic Social Teaching is rooted in Scripture, and it provides us with guidance on how we can live out our faith as followers of Christ in our local, national, and global community. Pope Francis guides us in how we can apply the scripture to our modern day lives and how the Church ...
Catholic social teaching has the answers to the problems dividing and destroying our society. CAPP-USA was founded by Pope St. John Paul II.
Catholic social teachingcaring professionssocial workethics of carenatural justiceThe Handbook of Economics and Ethics portrays an understanding of economic methodology in which facts and values, though distinct, are closely interconnected in a variety of ways. From theory building to data collection, ...
Within Catholic-blog-land, you may have noticed some sudden interest in Lockean political theory and its relation to Catholic social teaching. Having spent several years now studying Locke’s philosophy, I thought I would try my hand at sustaining that interest by way of a multi-part series ...
Catholic social teaching is less "political" in the sense of being related to a particular political system or party, and more a matter of asserting and reasoning from certain basic principles, foremost among these being: 1) that we are made with a rational, unchanging human nature, in the ...
It seems–at least as regard to race–the Church is trying to reconcile Critical Race Theory into the Social teaching of the Catholic Church. I hope that I am wrong, because it is just not possible. But. My favorite deacon and I were invited to a study day on zoom from the diocese....
摘要: Analyzes Roman Catholic social teaching on the right to health care and the legitimacy of healthcare rationing. Specific warrants that undergird key terms; Accessibility and applicability in a secular society; Church involvement in process of policy making....
Catholic social teaching upholds a “preferential option for the poor.” Increasingly, the church has taken this principle of justice for the poor into debates over environmental justice. Again, John Paul led the way. “The goods of the earth, which in the divine plan should be a common patr...
Teaching the Social Determinants of Health Medical schools are increasingly called to include social responsibility in their mandates. As such, they are focusing their attention on the social determinants of health (SDOH) as key drivers in the health of the patients and communiti... M Sharma,AD...