(Latin: ‘let it be printed.’) infallibilism 1. the belief in or adherence to the dogma of papal infallibility.2. the dogma itself. Jesuitism 1. the doctrines, practices, etc., of the Jesuit order of priests.2. Disparaging, lower case. casuistry or equivocation. Also Jesuitry. — ...
1875–80; <Medieval Latincatholicātus,equivalent tocatholic(us)catholicos+-ātus-ate3 Discover More Example Sentences On the death of Nerses the right of saying grace at the royal meals, which was the essence of the catholicate, was transferred by the king, in despite of the Greeks, to ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Roman Catholic Church (redirected fromCatholic Communion) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Roman Catholic Church n. The Christian church characterized by an episcopal hierarchy with the pope as its head and belief in seven sac...
Angel (Latin angelus; Greek aggelos; Hebrew MLAK, from the root: LAK means “one going” or “one sent”: messenger). Read more from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
mass, the central act of worship of theRoman Catholic Church, which culminates in celebration of thesacramentof theEucharist. The termmassderives from theecclesiasticalLatin formula for the dismissal of the congregation:Ite, missa est(“Go, it is the sending [dismissal]”). After theSecond Vatic...
St. Mark, describing the beginning of His ministry, says that He came into Galilee saying, “The time is accomplished, and the Kingdom of God is at hand”. For the kingdom which He was even then establishing in their midst, the Law and the Prophets had been, He said, but a ...
11 Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 29th Annual Edition (2024) January 2025 Original Edition - www.traditio.com/nat.htm THE NATIONAL REGISTRY OF TRADITIONAL LATIN MASSES The Registry, in operation since 1994, maintains a comprehensive list by sponsoring organization of the regularly and ...
(n. 36) says that Latin is to be preserved in the Roman Rite, and it goes on to say that the people should be taught to sing or say in Latin the parts of the Mass pertaining to them. So, is there anything wrong with softly saying those parts of the Mass in Latin as Vatican II...
2018: My trip to Latin America --- South East Asia: Aug 16, 2020:CNN - Indonesian women recruited to take drugs to Hong Kong Oct 23, 2019:FM988 Breakfast program in Kuala Lumpur at which I was a guest June 2019:My campaign featured inThe Malaysia Drug Trade(6 written reports & documen...
TheMagnificator “[My soul] magnifies” in Latin is also known as the Song of Mary or the Canticle of Mary. It is a canticle frequently sung liturgically in Christian church services. It is one of the eight most ancient Christian hymns and perhaps the earliest Marian hymn. The name comes...