Captain Pero Vaz immediately arranged for the baptism of 85 Paravar leaders in Cochin by the Vicar General, Miguel Vaz, probably in December 1535. The Paravar leaders were given Portuguese names such as Fernando, Pereira, Vaz, Almeida, Peres, da Cruz and so forth as surnames. In 1536, Pet...
but which was made into the comer-stone. On this foundation the Church is built by the apostles and from it the Church receives solidity and unity. This edifice has many names to describe it: The house of God in which his family dwells; the ...
All Saints Imm. Conception Christmas Circumcision Epiphany St. Joseph Ascension Corpus Christi SS Peter & Paul Assumption All Saints Imm. Conception Christmas Circumcision Ascension Assumption All Saints Christmas Note: In the United States: in the Novus Ordo: if 1 January, 15 August, or 1 November...
Great Christian Names for Babies, Baptism & Confirmation! Click Link Above For More Information & To Purchase For Additional Titles, Click Here Scroll Down For More Catholic Resources...Visitor Questions | Definitions & Facts | Current Issues | More... What Saints Are On Today's Calendar? ('...
[vol. 4, ed. 1730] on the Catholic Church) gives the following meanings of the word: "The first and largest sense of the term Catholic Church is that which appears to be the most obvious and literal meaning of the words in the text (Heb 12:23), 'The general assembly and church of...
The Church - Names and Images (751) Three Meanings (752) The Symbols of Church (753-757)Origin - Foundation - MissionThe Trinity's Plan for the Church (758) The Father's Family (759) The Goal of Creation (760) Preparing for the Church (761-762) Jesus Ushers in the Kingdom (763-...
The clergy and the faithful are then invited to pray that God may bestow the abundance of His grace on the elect. The Litany of the Saints is now recited or chanted, while the elect lies prostrate on the floor of the sanctuary and all the others kneel. Consecration.—The consecrator, ...
From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.” Traditional Protestants are able to recite the Apostles’ ...
Thirty years ago, I watched similar fights and similar anger lead men out of the Church. I knew Gerry Matatics and Tom Droleskey when they were still Catholic. There is a good chance most of you will not know their names, but both were deeply involved in traditional Catholic issues ...
When these saints introduced, or reintroduced, Christianity, they probably brought with them whatever rites they were accustomed to, and Cornwall certainly had its own separate ecclesiastical quarrel with Wessex in the days of St. Aldhelm, which, as appears by a statement in Leofric’s Missal, ...