Raoul de Tongres, who died early in the fifteenth century, was even at that early period a critic and a reformer; in his famous work “De observantia Canonum” he agitated for some settlement of liturgical rules. The “XV Ordo Romanus” already referred to, the work of Amelius, ...
How could a system dedicated to Lucifer become a force for social change in Catholic parishes? Related link Alinsky and the Truth About Barack Obama’s Catholic Roots Read Rules for Radicals (free PDF) March 7, 2025 Categories: Books & Publications, Events, history, Human Rights, Politics, ...
If we consider their rules, the monks may be divided into two classes: solitaries and cenobites. The soliaries had various names, according to their habitat or the exercises which they practiced. They were known as hermits or recluses if they provided their own necessities of life or accepte...
1:9) My prayer is that your love for each other may increase more and more and never stop improving your knowledge and deepening your perception, (1:10) so that you can always recognize what is best. This will help you to become pure and blameless, and prepare you for the Day of Chr...
we stand side-by-side in the voting booths and in the jury boxes, we march side by side in the ranks of our military and we get along just fine, because we all recognize those basic, fundamental right-and-wrong rules of social behavior that came down from the Mountain with Moses, and...
“The language of a ‘ruler’ who ‘comes forth’ from ‘Behlehem-Ephrathah’ is a poetic way of describing an heir to the throne of David, a new king who has the Davidic bloodline. This rules is described in provocative ways that suggest divinity. His origin ismiqqedem in Hebrew, whi...
Having a daily plan of spiritual activities to help us grow in love for God and speed us on toward the goal Having our heart in God, not in goods Doing what sports people do to win a crown that fades: having a rigorous training program, having a coach, following the rules, taking tim...
Join us in daily Communion, Eucharistic Adoration, praying the rosary and fasting for God's Mercy Whatever you do, don’t miss this opportunity to learn the truth about the key issues of your Catholic faith that impact your life, family, society, and eternity. Come to the North Texas Cath...
we stand side-by-side in the voting booths and in the jury boxes, we march side by side in the ranks of our military and we get along just fine, because we all recognize those basic, fundamental right-and-wrong rules of social behavior that came down from the Mountain with Moses, and...
Now that you stand before the Savior, Pray that He may preserve us in faith and love! Icon notes for March: The American Association of Iconographers now has aFacebook Pagewhich you are welcome to join. The rules of the page are that postings may be submitted by any member and the con...