polyester, ensuring both durability and comfort for the wearer. The classic black robe is adorned with a short open cape, adding a touch of elegance and tradition to the overall appearance. The single-breasted front and tasseled waist sash contribute to the vestment's sophisticated look, making...
So in our baptism service the devil is driven out before, and the white robe and candle given after the actual baptism. The truth of these symbols presumably occurs at one instant. Our ordination service is a still more striking instance. Long after the subject is ordained priest, after he...
MacIntyre has often given the impression of a robe-ripping Savonarola. He has lambasted the heirs to the principal western ethical schools: John Locke’s social contract, Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative, Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarian “the greatest happiness for the greatest number.” Yet ...
*The Robe Lloyd C. Douglas Fiction H.S.-Col. A Philadelphia Catholic in King James Court Martin De Porres Kennedy Apologetics, discussion guide available Fiction H.S.-Col. David Copperfield Charles Dickens Fiction H.S.-Col. House of Gold Bud MacFarlane Fiction H.S.-Col. The Hunchback...
21.—The Vesting with the White Robe by the deacon, with the usual words (said by the priest), “Accipe vestem candidam”, etc. 22. The Signing of the Hand. The priest says, “Aperiatur manus pueri”, and, “Signum crucis Christi accipe in manum tuam dexteram et conservet te in...
Following a continental breakfast, the State Officers and National Director, Rose, had a crowning ceremony for the Blessed Mother; we entered the convention room while the choir sang. We followed up with a Robe Ceremony where we passed our robes to the incoming officers. I felt it was very ...
Margaret, holy Virgin and Martyr, thou didst faithfully preserve the robe of holy innocence and purity, valiantly resisting all the blandishments and allurements of the world for the love of thy Divine Spouse, Jesus Christ; help me to overcome all temptations against the choicest of all ...
The church of Pius XII is reasserting itself in confirmation of a pyramidal church model: faith in the primacy of the man in the white robe dictating in solitude from the pinnacle. In the twilight years of John Paul II's long reign, the Catholic Church gives a pervasive impression of ...
Jesus’ white alb (tunic): purity; King David’s light green alb: hope for spiritual growth and friendship with God. Jesus’ outer garments consist of two parts: robe and stole which are painted in various shades of royal purple. Royal purple indicates kingly authority. The tassels of His...
Jesus’whitealb (tunic): purity; King David’slight greenalb: hope for spiritual growth and friendship with God. Jesus’ outer garments consist of two parts: robe and stole which are painted in various shades of royal purple.Royal purpleindicates kingly authority. The tassels of His stole are...