In its retreat were left fertile prairie in the United States and unnumbered lakes and watercourses as well in that country as in Canada. In 1902 the United States produced about one third of the entire coal supply of the world. In the east it is generally distributed, except the anthracite...
An online mini-retreat from the anxieties of daily life that ushers viewers into the world of the transcendent values of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness through stories, spiritual insight, inspiration, values, humor, and refreshment that takes them out of the chaos of our world - for a while -...
You'll also find listings for retreat centers and houses of prayer to help you on your journey. Search our calendar of events pertaining to vocations. Sending an inquiry does not obligate you to anything, but it may be the first step toward your life's work. ...
In the Guide readers find listings for diocesan vocation offices, religious communities active in the United States, lay ministry organizations, secular institutes, associates societies and other communities, retreat centers, and religious study opportunities. ...
Chief among these four centers was Asturias. The fugitive Goths found a retreat in those mountains where the Romans had never been able to effectively establish their authority; only a few years after the rout of Guadalete, they gained a victory over Alkama, the lieutenant of El Horr, in ...
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A total of 88 Nigerian Catholic immigrant sisters completed the Perceived Stress questionnaire pre-retreat, day three, and immediately after a spiritual retreat. Friedman Two-way ANOVAby rank was used to determine if there are mean changes in perceived stress over the three-time period, while ...
On August 28, 1908, he received a religious habit in Lviv with a new name: Venanty and began a one-year novitiate there, after which he took religious vows. He loved the Franciscan Order with all his soul and tried to consistently realize its ideal in life. At the retreat, he decided...
Canada, or to be more exact, the Dominion of Canada, comprises all that part of North America north of the United States, with the exception of Newfoundland, Labrador, and Alaska. The distance from the Atlantic Ocean, on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west is 3000 miles, and from...
mechanical ones, and the warfare of classes; its political basis is democracy…..It may be noted that some of these [bases] have already been abandoned and are in ruins, others are beginning to shake; and as this process advances the defenders are compelled to retreat and take up fresh ...