“Today, we need these signs and places to unite all humanity for they represent a meeting point for all religions.” AsiaNews - February 27 Catholic priest collapses after conviction on abuse charge Editor's Note: A Catholic priest collapsed in a Saskatchewan court after he was found ...
Find Local Young Adult Groups See All Our Materials Life-Changing Email Message CONVERT AMERICAFAST! Give Online or by Mail •Convertmillionsand makesaints. •Help us launchTreasure in Heaven. •Howdo you makeAmerica Catholic? •Please keep our doors open in 2025: ...
Watch Catholic Masses from the CatholicTV studio chapel on demand. English Mass Sunday-Friday, Spanish Mass Sunday.
A traditional Catholic family was allegedly “dragged out of their home at gunpoint, handcuffed and locked in a van” earlier this year after the FBI “goaded” their 15-year-old son to post “offensive memes” online. The teen, a volunteer firefighter and altar boy, was then hospitalized ...
An online mini-retreat from the anxieties of daily life that ushers viewers into the world of the transcendent values of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness through stories, spiritual insight, inspiration, values, humor, and refreshment that takes them out of the chaos of our world - for a while -...
This past month I have been reading Francoise Gilot’s “Life with Picasso”. While I am surely not a fan of Picasso’s, I believe that the creative output of that era has many important facets worth gleaning for art practice today. You may be surprised, as I was, with the following...
Today's Readings Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Reading 1Sirach 4:11-19 Responsorial PsalmPsalm 119:165, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175 GospelMark 9:38-40 Safe Environment requirements for volunteers Pilgrims of Hope Get involved ...
Continue Reading...Posted in Practical Tips Staying the Course Author: Jennifer Smarsh Dear Homeschool Mama, Do you find yourself, at times, wanting to throw in the towel and quit homeschooling? Are you waving the white flag in… FacebookTwitterEmailPinterest分享 Continue Reading...Posted...
Yoga, Dream Reading, Holier Than Thou I can trace many of my life choices back to a loved one’s... Magazine ‹› Catholic Faith Resources Honest Answers to Questions About Catholic Faith & Beliefs Catholic Answers is a media company dedicated to sharing what the Church really teaches, ...
American prelates, in disobedience to Popes, have kept priests from reading and teaching from their pulpits the papal encyclicals because their contents might offend Jews and Protestant Masons. These encyclicals would have early alerted the Catholic populace to the dangerous enemy in our land and ...