Lace-Up Missal: Specially formatted Church card with key responses and prayers of the Mass, linked together with a shoelace! Includes black&white and color templates in English and Spanish translations…all in one kit. ($13PDF) Play Mass Kit and Order Form Includes special inside tips and pi...
Filipino bishop asks prayers for ‘sick’ environment Editor's Note: On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Bishop Socrates Mesiona of Puerto Princesa, in the Philippines, asked the faithful to pray for the earth, which he said is “sick.” “This nonstop rain, floods, and sometimes ex...
- The prayer app: Find inspiration with prayers such as the Morning Offering, Act of Hope, & more - New prayers added regularly - 20 prayers in Spanish, now available! - Save your favorite prayers & pray as you go about your day ...
I keep my benefactors in my daily prayers, knowing that I truly could not be where I am without them. The least I can do in exchange is try and match their generosity by giving my life to the Church of Dallas as a priest.” –Dcn. Bryce Baumann...
Printable PDF of St. Sebastian Shop St. Sebastian Nothing is known about St. Sebastian's youth other than the fact he may have come from southern France and he was educated in Milan. He joined the Roman Army in 283 AD, ostensibly to be of service to other Christians who were being pers...
This day and the one before and one after it is spent visiting the graves of deceased relatives, where prayers and flowers are offered, candles are lit and the graves themselves are cleaned, repaired and repainted. Free Prayer PDFs | Available in English, Spanish and French In English-...
Those prayers can also include asking for the intercession of the Church Triumphant (the saints in heaven).What Happens When We Die?Why Do the Saints Need Purification After Death? Hasn’t Jesus Already Accomplished This for Them?Purgatory, in which is rooted the commemoration of All Souls Day...
Let Jesus minister to you with our Catholic faith-builders Novena to the Holy Spirit for a Son or Daughter Prayer For Release From Ancestral Curses Chaplet of St. Michael and the 9 Choirs of Angels Saints in February Daily Prayers and Saint Quotes Rosary of Liberation...
Download our Printable PDF Hail Mary Prayer in SpanishDoes the Catholic Church Idolize Mary?Favorite Marian PrayersDownload our free PDF printable sheet of the most beloved Marian prayers including the Hail Mary prayer, the Angelus, the Memorare, Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen), and the Magnificat...
- Prayers and Resources for all those assisting in deliverance ministry, healing, and spiritual renewal - Ask an Exorcist: contact the Catholic exorcists from the St. Michael Center - Diary of an Exorcist: The weekly blog of the exorcists at the St. Michael Center in Washington, DC ...