Louisiana. Monsignor Guy LeMoine officiated the ceremony and Mass. It was the first Mass where I received the Body and Blood of Christ as a married woman, having just made a sacred vow before Christ to love, honor and obey the
It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them. And lastly comes our little finger – the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and ...
It is said that the only prayers that God is guaranteed to answer positively are those for a soul’s salvation, since He desires that all be saved. (Even though not all are.) So perhaps connect your recovery to your salvation…. Anyway, Lent is just under two months away so we have ...
Growing up, I knew the basics: the outline of Christ and his Church and her teachings. I knew a few prayers. I knew the rhythm of the Mass. I thought it all vaguely pretty: safe, comfortable, lovably boring. I might have fallen away: I had the same, spare 1980’s catechesis of so...
Sainthood for Mother Teresa: ‘My tumour vanished with her divine light’(hindustantimes.com) Mother Teresa’s first miracle on the way to sainthood(thestar.com) Mother Teresa’s ‘first miracle’ to offer special prayers in village(thehindu.com) ...
Pray we all be that brave to proclaim the truth even in the face of suffering. Tanner leads by example and will not hide behind the popular screen of diversity, tolerance and inclusion! Prayers for Tanner Cross. St. Thomas More intercede for him. Amen...
Hail, Kecharitomene, dispensing sweet drink ever flowing to fill those who are thirsty. Hail, Kecharitomene, spiritual sea who holds Christ, the heavenly pearl. Hail, Kecharitomene, splendor of heaven, having the one uncontained by the heavens in herself, ...
(172-75), is interesting for its representation of the miraculous rainfall which, as early as Tertullian‘s time, was attributed to the prayers of the Christian soldiers. This column bears a bronze statue of St. Paul, as Trajan‘s is crowned with a statue of St. Peter (Sixtus V, 1589...
As part of her question Rupa alluded to the pro-choice demonstrators who have for the past year been creating a situation of hostility and chaos outside the abortion facility, making it very difficult for the general public to pass. (Unlike our quiet rosary prayers who stand on the grass)...
proscribing the praying of the Rosary, hearing confessions or other conflicting or distracting activity during the Consecration of the Mass. But other than that, the manner of participating in the prayers of the Mass is largely left to whatever spirituality is most fruitful for the individual ...