Please note that opinions expressed in the Debate forums may differ from authentic Catholic teaching. These forums are provided for free exchange of ideas and debate; please visit our non-debate forums when searching for orthodox Catholic doctrine. Responses are geared around Church teachings, discipli...
Sister Aloysius Arrives at Our Lady of Sorrows By Linda Etchison, Illustrated by Denise Plumlee-Tadlock by A.R.K. Watson | Aug 15, 2021 | Children's Books Sister Aloysius teaches love and respect in the family through prayers to Mary. The Book of Jotham by Arthur Powers by A.R.K. ...
Daily Prayers to Save America Join the movement! Pray 12-minutes a day to help God save America.Orderbook for only $1. Common Catholic Devotions Our supporters have distributedtens of millionsof life-changing Catholic gifts since 1991, making us America's largest producer of high-quality, super...
…it’s the few yard gains hard fought for that have won many a game. And our spiritual enemies too know that they have conquered souls and brought them to ruin by wearing down the faithful. That’s why it’s extremely important to stay vigilant and never to loose heart for the fight...
Blessing.—In its widest acceptation this word has a variety of meanings in the sacred writings: (I) It is taken in a sense that is synonymous with praise; thus...
Our editors are vetted for a high level of literary analysis skills as well as theological knowledge. This is more education than even many Imprimaturs issued by a bishop, who will have been given excellent theological knowledge at the seminary but may only have the literary analysis skills or...
Growing up with the faith, it was instilled in us to fulfill our Sunday obligation by attending Mass on Sunday. For me, at that time, there was not an emotional “attachment” to the church. Hymns were sung, prayers read, Communion received, donuts and fellowship after Mass. During those...
THE CHILDREN OF FATIMA And Our Lady's Message to the World By Mary Fabyan Windeatt THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH THE CHURCH IN THE DAYS OF THE APOSTLES By Rev. D. I. Lanslots, O.S.B. THE LIFE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY from the Vision of Anne Catherine Emmerich ...
God answers prayers left & right, and as Father reminds us : “everything can change in an instant”. Thank you, ALL of you at Relevant Radio for all the sacrifices you make to bring us this gift every single day!! May Our Lord Jesus continue to bless us all. Kathy Dibrino Avondale...
For the past several months, the Nebraska Catholic Conference has worked tirelessly to promote the idea that our God-given gender matters. That the sexes are different, and that ignoring the sex into which we are born—the “gender identity” God gives us—has real consequences. Parents across...