THE POPE’S WORLDWIDE PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR 2025 JANUARY – FOR THE RIGHT TO AN EDUCATION Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected. FEBRUARY – FOR VOCATIONS TO THE...
The laity reply to the salutations and invitations of the celebrant, thus joining in the solemn prayer; especially do they share in the Holy Victim by Holy Communion (confined for them in the Latin Liturgy to the species of bread), which they can receive also outside of the time of Mass...
Mass Readings for February 8 Feast of the Holy Family The Liturgy of the Hours In the Extraordinary Form Today isThe Beheading of St. John the Baptist Mass Readings for February 8 The Divine Office The Holy Father's Prayer Intentions
We’ll pray for your intentions. Catholic Daily Prayers: Make Them Your Habit For Holiness Are you in a rut? There's no better way to get though your day than with prayer! Let Catholic daily prayers recharge your spirit! A Memorable and Moving Selection of Special Prayers ...
Pope Francis Prayer intentions for March 2022 The Catholic Telegraph/March 1, 2022/ A Christian Response to Bioethical Challenges We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action. ...
PRAY FOR THE SOULS IN PURGATORY Litany of Victory of the Virgin Mary Spiritual Direction Pope Francis Prayer Intentions2025 Judge blocks Louisiana law requiring the Ten Commandments in classroom Litany prayer to Saint Jude How God punishes a nation for the sin of abortion. ...
From its size and contents it would seem to be a sort of Missale Itinerantium, with an Ordinary that might serve for almost any occasion, a general Common of Saints and two Masses for special intentions (for penitents and for the dead). The addition of the Order of Baptism, not, as ...
The purpose of this email has been to highlight a brief background of my state and intentions. I do understand that it's not your job to do "match making", but I also do understand that since we are living through a foretold spiritual crisis where the faithful are scattered throughout ...
You can alsopick a novenayou want and pray it whenever you want. This is great for your prayer intentions that may not quite fit with the community novena. You can also invite your parish, family or friends to all pray together for a special prayer intention. ...
Prayer for the Beatification of Fr. Venanty (The prayer which was placed on the picture printed by St. Maximilian:) Lord Jesus Christ, Who said, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me, ...