Study:Before Study or Instructions|For Students Travel:Blessing of an Automobile|Before Starting On A Journey|For Travelers Trinity:Trinity Prayer Weakness:In Times of Weakness, Trial, Tribulation|Young Heart Wedding Prayers:Nuptial Blessing Longer|Nuptial Blessing Shorter|Wedding Blessing ...
There is an atmosphere of prayer and quiet reverence among the people in the pews as they participate, interiorly, in the Sacred Mysteries. Before Mass silence is kept to show respect for the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, Which is reserved in the ...
Lent reminds us, therefore, that Christian life is a never-ending combat in which the “weapons” of prayer, fasting and penance are used. Fighting against evil, against every form of selfishness and hate, and dying to oneself to live in God is the ascetic journey that every disciple of J...
Academics Recognized as one of the best Catholic schools in California. The liberal arts curriculum provide the young mind with the tools of learning and critical thinking. Learn more Blue Letter The Blue Letter contains weekly commentary for thought from the Headmaster. News, events, prayer reques...
This is a free android app that contains Catholic Prayers in Latin that have English translations. Below are the prayers included:• Sign of the Cross• Apostles Creed• Our Father• Hail Mary• Glory Be• The Fatima Prayer• Hail Holy Queen• The Holy Rosary• Angelus• The...
In the Eastern rites the separation is less marked; the whole prayer is still counted as one thing—the Anaphora. In the West the Sanctus has cut the old Canon completely in two; the part before it, once counted part of the Canon (see Canon of the Mass), is now, since about the ...
Benedictuswill undoubtedly prove to be a blessing to all those who use it, especially for sharing the traditions of our Catholic faith and prayer with others. +JOSEPH STRICKLAND Bishop,Tyler, Texas In a time when so much is being desacralized, it is more urgent than ever to share the wide...
I am well satisfied that you are a child of God, and that you will be saved in heaven, there forever to dwell with the ransomed of the Lord. So you must not doubt. … Jesus says: “My yoke is easy and My burden light,” and this is true, if we but seek by prayer to be ta...
He nodded and raised his hand over the flash drive and what came out of his mouth was a beautiful, profound blessing and intercessory prayer to the Lord, for wisdom, for healing, for conversions, for hope, peace and love. In my pastor’s blessing were the deepest desires of my heart. ...
The pious custom of the faithful of “offering their Communion” for relations, friends, and the souls departed, is to be considered as possessing unquestionable value, in the first place, because an earnest prayer of petition in the presence of the Spouse of our souls will readily find a ...