man has fallen. And so the means of salvation and the means of overcoming that is through the moral influence of the family and society and the church around you, and through turning toward God and toward prayer and toward confession to attempt to over the course of a lifetime better yours...
Thank you for another great year with UTCCC! We made many memories this year, from our general meetings to our dinner outings to our small socials, incorporating both prayer and fellowship. Looking forward to seeing new and old faces in our upcoming 2024-25 year!
As we turn to meet our God and King in prayer In the stillness. My grandma said these waters run the deepest, And now, I’ve seen enough To know it’s true We sense the slightest movements, Gentle breezes; It’s not a storm— It’s daybreak, evening dew In the places where He ...
More prayer, less pain: Local college students invent 'Kingdom Kneelers' pads Dec 18, 2024 Local More recent articles Local See all Local Attorney general releases report on clergy abuse handling in Lansing diocese Fourth of seven expected reports on Michigan's seven dioceses finds majority of...
although I don't think he is a priest any longer and has been laicized. I think that Lillabett hit the nail on the head. There is much temptation out in the world and our media priests might be particularly vulnerable to the temptations. Our priests do need our constant prayer, but al...
From an old priest who acted as my spiritual advisor at UCLA twenty five years ago... (No this is not him) Suggestions for Lent: prayer, sacrifice and generous deeds. 1. Basic plan: “DPC” D: Carry out the little duty of each moment, with faith (God sees and knows even our small...
This Advent season is one of waiting for the newborn Child and the expectation that He will also come again at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. My Son outlined how you should pray. An intimate prayer is the love between you and God. A simple glance of Love towards...
New! Beginning January 2024, spiritual programs are currently being planned to offer weekly and monthly opportunities to learn, practice, and share contemplative spirituality and prayer, especiallyNexus Prayer, through our prayer circles, classes, and lecture series at the library. ...
No confessions or Mass onWednesday, Dec. 18, as Fr. Sean and Fr. Vincent will be at Cardinal DiNardo's Priests Advent Vespers Prayer Service and Dinner. WEDNESDAY: 6:00 PM to 6:50 PM in the Chapel SATURDAY: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Church ...
St. John Paul II’s trip to Poland in 1978 brought hope to a continent split by the Soviet Union’s “Iron Curtain.” It’s a story of real people, real lives, real consequences and the real power of prayer. 8. For Greater Glory ...