This Catholic Utah Mission invites you to observe the miracle of the 2000 year old Catholic Mass The Parable of the Prodigal Sonin the Gospel of Luke is familiar to all of us, as we are all in need of our savior. The Prodigal son has the nerve to ask for his inheritance even before...
“Where it not for the missionaries and the Christians”, a Malay pirate once said, “The French in Tongking would be as helpless as crabs without legs.” China is the mission-field of Jesuits, Lazarists, and French priests of the Missions Etrangères. The French-Corean dictionary published...
This year we were able to journey alongside teens as they prepared for the sacrament of confirmation, adults as they readied themselves for RCIA, school staff as they anticipated the school year, students as they celebrated the community of their classrooms, and many other holy men and women a...
Bruno les Chartreux for mission work among workmen; the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi, founded in 1838 by pious working women for education and nursing, with mother-house at Lyons; the Sisters of St. Joseph, founded 1620 at Puy, by Bishop Maupas, reconstituted in 1807 in the Diocese ...
"At the heart of Parousia Media is the desire to equip the local church here in Australia; a desire to help adults grow in their faith, to fall in love with Jesus, to fall in love with his Church and fall in love with its mission." ...
those favorable and those unfavorable to evolution, be weighed and judged with the necessary seriousness, moderation and measure, and provided that all are prepared to submit to the judgment of the Church, to whom Christ has given the mission of interpreting authentically the Sacred Scriptures and ...
Upon the succession of Abreha and Asbeha to the Ethiopian throne, St. Frumentius embarked on a journey to Alexandria in Egypt. His mission was to request that St. Athanasius appoint a missionary to Ethiopia. Instead, he himself was consecrated as a bishop and returned to Aksum, where he ...
in his book “Origin, Progress and Prospects of the Catholic Mission to the Rocky Mountains”. Bishop Vetter and Bishop Thomas knew of these events and all the locals do, but no one outside of Stevensville and a few in Missoula know about this. I would like to tell as many people as ...
Novena for Catholic Schools- Education in our Catholic faith is a very important work in the Church. But some Catholic schools do not live out their mission of Catholic education very fully. Novena for Chastity- There are multiple ways we might be called to live out chastity in our lives. ...
Our award-winning Daughters of St. Paul Choir has sold over one million albums and conducted many national tours since its foundation. Meet the current choir members who are praying for you as they sing! Featured Music View All Music