“Catholic Charities Bureau is on the front lines bringing love, healing, and hope to the most vulnerable members of our community. We pray the Court recognizes that this work of improving the human condition is our answer to Christ’s call to serve those in need,” James Powers, bishop...
“Wisconsin is trying to make sure no good deed goes unpunished. Penalizing Catholic Charities for serving Catholics and non-Catholics alike is ridiculous and wrong," Eric Rassbach, the lead lawyer for Catholic Charities at the Supreme Court, said in a stateme...
Supreme Court’s abortion pill caseAlliance Defending Freedom (ADF) senior counsel Kellie Fiedorek (center) and Elizabeth Gillette (right), who survived severe complications from a chemical abortion, spoke with EWTN News Nightly anchor Tracy Sabol about the case. / Credit: Screen… […] Praise ...
California Supreme Court Orders Catholic Charities to Pay for Birth ControlCompiled by Ted Olsen
The Catholic Church is today the most vigorous church in the world (and the largest, with a billion members: one sixth of the human race), and that is testimony not to the cleverness of the Church’s leaders, but to the protection of the Holy Spirit....
The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to hear Oklahoma's request to allow a state-funded Catholic charter school. St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School is a planned digital learning, and explicitly Roman Catholic, institution that, if approved, would become the country's first taxpayer-...
12, 1950: “The Divine Redeemer has entrusted the authentic interpretation of this Deposit [of faith] neither to individual members of Christ’s faithful nor to theologians themselves, but to the Church’s Magisterium alone.” Latin: “Quod quidem depositum nec singulis christifidelibus nec ips...
DISTINGUISHED CATHOLICS.—The Catholics of New York State have produced their full proportion of persons of distinction in the professions, commercial, political, and social life. Of the ninety-seven justices who now sit in the Supreme Court seventeen are of the Catholic faith. Among the justices...
Your Supreme Court overturned Rowe vs. Wade, so it is up to the states to determine if they will prohibit abortions or not. Even early abortions are just as sinful as late term abortions. Life is precious, and when you abort a life, you are also stopping the plan I had for this ...
Supreme Court case for first Catholic charter school begins oral arguments Mar 6, 2025 ByKate Quiñones St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court to approve the nation’s first publicly...Read more ...