Today, that number has fallen to about 67 percent. Among young adults, over 40 percent are religiously unaffiliated. Read More Culture, Faith, National, News, CommentaryAmericans, Catholic, Catholicism, Gen Z, Gregorian chants, orthodox believers, Religious, Traditional Latin Mass, traditional ...
Today, August 13th, marks the 500th anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlan to Hernan Cortes and the Spanish. After seeing your videos on the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, I read Carroll's book on Our Lady of Guadalupe and was appalled at how horrible the Aztec society was. As a Mexic...
If a True (Aprobated) Mass is not available in your area, be sure to make frequent Spiritual Communions (one every hour is a good practice) The Fatima Message asks to pray much for the Holy Father -Today this means to pray for True Papal Restoration as there are True Cardinals in ex...
(Minneapolis) -Feb 18- In Today's Catholic World is printing the narration of the thoroughly documented exorcism of Nicola Aubrey by the well known and well read, Fr. Michael Muller, C.S.S.R., from his classic book: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." The Vatican II sect chieftains (...
Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass” The extreme contrast between the main pagan dancer and the crucifix in the background of the first part was scary. Showing the devilish smile of the possessed Antipope John Paul II was the perfect way to sum up the entire video. ...
The architect of the reform, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, himself recorded the pope’s explanation: On one occasion Pope Paul VI compared the complex made up of Septuagesima, Lent, Holy Week and Easter Triduum, to the bells calling people to Sunday Mass. The ringing of them an hour, a ...
Janet Mead died today. Think I even played guitar for it at several Masses. And yes, I remember it well. We San it at Mass… - 3 years ago @9jalover1: Sister Janet Mead Death – Obituary, Cause Of Death - 3 years ago @frdavidken: Rest In Peace and go from strength to ...
The Holy Octave of Consecration to God Our Fatherinvolves eight days of prayer, scripture readings, and meditation, as well as participation in the Holy Mass, the Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The first seven days serve as preparatory steps leading to the final day of assembly...
Pacelli was not a man to condone mass murder, but he evidently chose to turn a blind eye on Ustashe atrocities rather than hinder a unique opportunity to extend the power of the papacy.Pacelli came to learn of the Nazi plans to exterminate the Jews of Europe shortly after they were laid...
My guess is that they weren’t what the Catholic online community would consider as ‘serious Catholics’ but I’m not going to make uncharitable assumptions about their faith or whether or not they were regularly attending Mass and so on. With all that in mind, I still think that this ...