I personally know, and perhaps you know too, Catholic men who firmly believe that missing mass on Sunday without a good reason is not a mortal sin “any more.” If you ask them the “since when” question most of them will say since Vatican II, although that is clearly a false assumpt...
I was generous to fed them, and this is a prefigure of when I would institute My Eucharist that you receive at every Mass.” Jesus said: “My people, I have made you male and female for the purpose of procreation. When you try to change sexes, you are going against My plan for hu...
This was exemplified when we held our formal CEC blessing and Mass in July. It was an amazing day beginning with a blessing of the Catholic Ecology Center by Bishop Schuerman of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and followed by fun, family activities, culminating with an outdoor Mass with the Bish...
I submit then that the experience of Mass is enhanced not by treating it as something radically different from all other human activities, but rather by treating it as the form that shows the true meaning of all those activities. In the Mass, we see the meaning of eating and drinking, the...
The name of Chosrov, Bishop of Andzevatsentz, is honored because of his interesting commentaries on the Breviary and the Mass-Prayers. Gregory of Narek, his son, is the Armenian Pindar from whose pen came elegies, odes, panegyrics, and homilies. Stephen Asoghik, whose “Universal History...
Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture STOP!... I BELONG TO SSPX! WE ARE NOT IN SCISIM!! That's where you need to get some correction I'm not going to hell Margaret Mary Young MHFM: The position of the SSPX is schismatic.They remain perpetually independent of the 'hierar...
I have a new book!"The Sober Catholic Way"is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on"Amazon,""Apple Books,""B&N"andand others!"! My two other books are still available!"The Stations of the Cross for Alcoho...
it’s gotten gigantic now for me. It’s like too… There’s a band. There’s a band there now, and you got to, you have to hold hands with people through the whole Mass now, and I don’t like doing that. You know, I mean, it used to be the shaking hands piece was the on...
Section 21.1: The invalidating of the Catholic Mass ... inside our formerly Catholic buildings, which are now under the control of the vatican-2 heretic cult. The work of non-Catholic apostate "paul-6" and promulgated by the vatican-2 accomplices. Sub-part A: Scriptures which speak to ...
Living In A Culture Of Death In the wake of recent mass shootings and other violent crimes, alongside increases in drug overdoses, addiction and suicides, it is imperative to recognize the work of the devil in all this and to not be overcome by the culture of death. Deacon Jeff Drzycim...