Yesterday morning when I got to St Paul's parish around 7am as usual to prepare for 7.30am Mass, I discovered that I had forgotten to bring my Mass folder (with prayers, Gospel etc in Romanised Chinese). Thanks to the gift of 2 good legs I was able to go back to the Dr Jesus Ce...
Accursed be those who have hitherto kept me in error! Oh, now I can understand what a good thing is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!" A solemn Te Deum was intoned; the organ pealed forth and the bells rung forth a merry chime. The whole city was filled with joy. This great ...
When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.Inscription on the memorial to the dead of the British 2nd Division at Kohima. We have made men proud of most vices, but not of cowardice. Whenever we have almost succeeded in doing so, God permits a...
Sunday Catholic mass Jone 9 th Jun 8, 2024, 5:41 PM Save Hi I am planning to visit Interlaken Switzerland tomorrow can some one direct me to Sunday mass time and location? My family and I greatly appreciate your help Reply Report inappropriate content 4...
(Adrienne Frank’s Mass intention) I could see a bright Light coming through a window in a church near the ceiling. This was a sign to me that she is now in heaven. Adrienne said: “I am grateful to be released from purgatory with this Mass, and I am happy to be in heaven with ...
Just recently, my husband and I attended mass on All Soul’s Day and it reminded me of the words I heard while at Conyers, Georgia back in 1998. Mary asked that we pray for the souls who had ‘not yet been united to God’. She relayed from May: “No man is greater than God. ...
Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass” It's so scary and horrifying, and how they all calmly watch on in silence! ... just like how the fake clergy are silent before the heresies flung down from the top and multitudes carry on going to the fake church as it graduall...
Sisters of Carmel. I felt the Holy Spirit say to give it to him. I did. He was overwhelmed. I ordered another one for myself and it arrived today. I love it. It is so beautiful. I will kiss it every day. I am eager to have it blessed tomorrow and wear it immediately. Thank ...
It was a Mass were they celebrated us RCIA students and we were sitting in front and it has a “packed house”. Fr. John was right in front of me serving Communion, I noticed he kept looking up, I suspect to see if the line was ending soon because he was working so hard….and ...
My guess is that they weren’t what the Catholic online community would consider as ‘serious Catholics’ but I’m not going to make uncharitable assumptions about their faith or whether or not they were regularly attending Mass and so on. With all that in mind, I still think that this ...