Paul Stainsby John Paul II “Papal Mass” The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark I saw a video on the 1995 Central Park "papal mass". At the Consecration, John Paul II said: "all" not "many". So is it correct then, that all who came forward for communion were not given the Body and...
If no set prayers have been prescribed for the intention of the pope, it is sufficient to recite one Pater, one Ave, and one Gloria Patri (six of each for the Toties Quoties indulgence on All Souls Day and on the Sunday following). 23 Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 29th ...
I accepted all the correct catholic positions. I reject BoD,BoB, never attend new mass, reject Vatican2, reject all the antipopes. I want to get baptized but I don't know anyone here in Austria, Vienna who is willing to baptise me… Best wishes and God bless you Hektor MHFM: If the...
Exclusive of the common doxology (Jesu tibi sit gloria, etc.) each hymn contains five four-lined stanzas of classical dimeter iambics. In the hymn for First Vespers (Coelestis aulae nuntiva) the Five Joyful Mysteries are celebrated, a single stanza being given to a mystery. In the same...
“Cum Rex gloriae”, was sung, the first part softly (humili ac depressae voce), to symbolize the sadness of the souls in limbo; fromAdvenisti desiderabilisthe singers raised their voices in jubilation whilst the acolytes rang small bells which they carried. The full text of this antiphon...
Although links to books are provided through, this does not mean to neglect some of the other fine publishers / sellers of Catholic Books: Gloria Deo, Sophia Institute Press, Ignatius Press, Neri Publications, Tan Books & Publishers ...
"(a) The Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, etc. of the Mass must preserve the unity of composition proper to their text. It is not lawful, therefore, to compose them in separate pieces in such a way that each of such pieces may form a complete composition in itself, and be capable of being ...
EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Burke decried “persecution” of Latin Mass as “not just”@PerMariam interview – Citing the “pervasive confusion, division & even error in the Church” he said the Church needs a “profound reform” in the style of “a conversion to Christ”...
In order that the faithful Mass partake in at least some part of this highly-indulgenced prayer of the Church, TRADITIO is making available in this section extracts that may easily be printed out and prayed. For simplicity the text and rubrics of this online edition are given for only one ...
Gospels. (12) The Pulpitary, which contained the musical notation for the Gloria Patri, the Invitatory, Litanies, Tracts, and theAlleluia. (13) TheMissalfor a private Mass. (14) TheBreviary, a compilation from all the books used in the choral recitation of the Office, very much reduced...