For God everlasting Love expressed through His big sacrifice on the Cross offered to the Father everlastingly, for the saving of all humanity: a gift of great value beyond all human understanding. I love attending Holy Mass; when occasion is there, I can attend six to seven Mass in the ...
Our previous Holy Father talked a lot about the great hope he saw in the youth of the Church. We are looking for what I call: Catholic Internet Catechists and Apologists, CICA's, who will be able and willing to assist in transitioning the internet work we do here from an older ...
Father Nicolas Trigault was sent to inspect the stone, which had been discovered at Cheu-che, some distance from Ch’ang-ngan. It was one of the monuments called by Chinese antiquaries pei. The French traveller, Grenard, who visited Si-ngan-fu a few years ago gives the following ...
the Editor of In Today's Catholic World has the real "behind the scenes" happenings on this monstrous attack on "Cardinal Siri" (a.k.a Pope Gregory XVII), that was *forwarded to the ghostly "Staff Writers" of Inside The Vatican by (Mel Gibson's father) Hutton Gibson *through his ...
Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer Nobody's perfect, but we're all on a journey toward God - so we all have "busted halos!" Paulist Father Dave Dwyer, who had a career in television (MTV, Comedy Central) and radio before being ordained a priest, invites young adult Catholics to...
Abraham: Father of Faith & Works Moses: Signs, Sacraments, and Salvation David & Solomon: Expanding the Kingdom Elijah & Elisha: Conscience of the Kingdom Mary: Mother of God Jesus: the Word Became Flesh Peter: Keeper of the Keys
The Holy Father spoke of the compassion one must have for those on the run, but he clearly stated that nations have the right to defend their borders and accept the integrity of their nation state. This was certainly a blow to those on the Catholic left, including some clergy and even a...
A couple of years before, I’d been the recipient of a scholarship Mr. Quinn and his wife, Loie, had established in memory of their oldest son John “Chips” Quinn Jr., who took after his father, one of the founding editors of USA Today, and, less importantly, the sender of my let...
Hi Father! I really like Newsboys as well and saw them in concert years ago. I don’t know that they are Catholic, but our philosophy is to play Independent Catholic artists who are not signed. That does not mean we don’t ever play “mainstream” artists, but we try to limit it. ...
“at least some devotion to Mary is indispensable.” He notes that “because the Father has placed her everywhere in his approach to us, to decide to place her nowhere in one’s own spiritual life is to leave the mainstream of Catholic life.” How do you take these statements into ...