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Remembrance Mass by Bishop Cantú on 11/24 聖荷西教區Cantú主教於11月24日在位於聖荷西Monterey Rd 的基督君王堂主禮追思彌撒 為紀念2024 因暴力而喪生的亡者。 華人天主堂的廖煥中執事在彌撒中協助Cantú主教主祭並誦念亡者姓名。點燃的31 支蠟燭象徵追思懷念去年一年三十一位因為暴力而喪失的生命。
By: The Catholic Post - January 13, 2025 - Featured Article, Local News Brief, News Article A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 11 a.m. at St. Edward Church, Chillicothe for Deacon Greg Serangeli, who served as a deacon in the Diocese of Peoria ...
Accord thy protection to unbelievers and to all those who lie within the shadow of death; cause the Sun of Truth to rise upon them; may they be enabled to join with us in repeating before the Saviour of the world: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good w...
The campout concluded on Sunday with mass in the new Holy Family Chapel. Fr. Michael Joseph joined us as the celebrant, and we were graced with many great altar servers, musicians, and singers! The campout was a weekend jam packed with blessings- we are so thankful for the many priests...
President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris allow the killing of the unborn up to the time of birth SAINT ANTHONY NINE DAY NOVENA Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for healing at 4pm Eastern Time Prayers of the Mass Saint Teresa of Avila Recommends praying to Saint Joseph and Saint Peter of...
Filed Under:Arma Dei ShoppeCatholic CraftsCatholic Resourcesfamily projectsfamily traditionsMass,,Sacraments, Stamps 6 different templates of 42 saints to transform your family board games, fridge calendar, lunch notes and more! PDF Download: $15 ...
Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences. APRIL – FOR THE USE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES Let us pray that the use of the new technologies will not replace human relationships, will...
Offering the Holy Mass with Jesus The Love of the Father Revealed The “Labor Pains” of God’s Will Dispelling Doubts – Deepening Your Understanding The Best is Yet to Come Grieved at Changes in Life Giving Testimony Obedience, Truth and Freedom ...
the birthplace of the Messiah. In a deceitful move, Herod asked them to inform him of the child’s location under the pretense of paying homage. However, the astrologers, having been divinely warned, did not return to Herod. They found Jesus, presented their gifts, and then avoided Hero...