Ash Wednesday service is not mandatory in the Catholic Church, so going to Mass is a personal choice. However, many Catholics observe this day by attending Mass and receiving ashes on their forehead. The priest may say the words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return,...
(Adrienne Frank’s Mass intention) I could see a bright Light coming through a window in a church near the ceiling. This was a sign to me that she is now in heaven. Adrienne said: “I am grateful to be released from purgatory with this Mass, and I am happy to be in heaven with ...
Or to attend a Daily Mass when I didn’t feel like it….because I felt summoned to go there. Same for prayers, at time…. I am just ‘not up to it’ but feel that call to pray a rosary or whatever. To me, that means that Jesus and Mary want me around them. Therefore, ...
The Easter Triduum—which “begins with the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper” on Holy Thursday, continues “through Good Friday with the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord . . . reaches its summit with the Easter Vigil, and concludes with Vespers [Evening Prayer] of Easter Sunday”...
The Roman Catholic Mass- an introduction to the "Order of Mass," with the full texts of all the parts spoken by the congregation, and some brief explanations to help you better understand and participate in the Eucharistic Liturgy of the Church. ...
To be honest I still have a lot of repenting and conversion to do before I return to dust. The 1st reading for Mass today is heartbreaking yet full of hope: Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; ...
Weekday Mass 6:30am 7:00am Saturday Mass 6:30am 7:00am Sunday Mass 6:15am 7:00am 8:00am Opening Hours 8:30am – 10:30 pm Monday – Friday 2:00pm – 5:00pm So, 4:00pm on Sunday is the only time for English catholic church Mass service at St. Joseph’s Church. It is...
The relic presented at the Mass for St. Teresa of Calcutta was a few drops of her blood contained in a phial embedded within the centre of a wooden reliquary in the form of a simple cross reflecting her life and values. The back of the cross-shaped reliquary is made from Lebanon cedar...
Can you please tell me whether Catholics may receive Holy Communion on Good Friday? Many are confused about this matter. The Fathers Reply.Good Friday is traditionally an aliturgical day; that is, Holy Mass is not celebrated on that day. There is only a Mass of the Presanctified, so ...
In faith and action Catholics consume His Body and Blood toward the end of Holy Mass. This consumption does not transform Him, as simple food, into ourselves. Rather, we (as repentant sinners) are transformed by Him (through Sanctifying Grace) into Himself. He doesn’t become part of us,...