She also offers tips and tricks from her twenty years in the Catholic mommy trenches on things like surviving bringing young children to Mass and saying a family Rosary. Be Catholic and have fun doing it! Get the Book Start here Not Sure Where to Begin? Get our Liturgical Living Checklist!
My ideas for Advent Liturgy... I would like the 2ne Sun of Advent to beAnnunciation Sunday.Many Catholics have never heard the Gospel of Luke 1.26 at Sunday Mass Asia's response to Australia's ban on social media for under 16's
Another common omission occurs when dissenters try to justify liturgical innovations (such as gathering around the altar or refusing to kneel) by insisting that the Mass is a “family meal,” which ought to be intimate and casual. In fact, Eucharisticum Mysterium, the source for the Mass-as...
Jesus said: “My people, you have churches to celebrate Mass, but it is the people who represent the Body of My Church. You read how I put the money changers out of the Temple for making it a market place. When the money people asked for a sign for My actions, I told them: ‘D...
Can you please tell me whether Catholics may receive Holy Communion on Good Friday? Many are confused about this matter. The Fathers Reply.Good Friday is traditionally an aliturgical day; that is, Holy Mass is not celebrated on that day. There is only a Mass of the Presanctified, so ...
(22)Immaculate Heart Saturdays (16)Interviews (12)iThirst (1)James (7)Judgment (18)Ladder of Humility (14)Latin Mass (11)Lectio divina (2)Lent (169)Litanies (2)Little Flower (23)Little Way (12)Lourdes (4)Mary (103)Matt Talbot (36)Matt Talbot Way of Recovery (8)Matt Talbot Way ...
The One True Sacrifice of the Mass Rejecting Empty Promises The Glory of God in All Things Expressing Your Love of God Holy Week Made Present Today The Effects of Jesus’ Ministry Entering the Desert Living in the Moment The Truth Will Set You Free ...
Holy Mass for the Solemnity of Holy Mary, Mother of God - January 1 (Holy Day of Obligation) Tuesday, December 31 St. Michael, Pine Island 4:00 pm Wednesday, January 1 St. Michael, Pine Island 7:00 am (Latin) Wednesday, January 1 St. Paul, Zumbrota 8:45 am ...
You admitted that "FOR THIS IS MY BODY" is the only thing required for valid consecration of the Host, so how can you then conclude that we are only worshiping a piece of bread at the New Mass? Even if I were to grant that the consecration of the wine is invalid, the Host would ...
Generations of young people around the world thank you for making Mass bearable. - 3 years ago @roaminglibrary: RT @Pleasure_Lab: Vale Sister Janet Mead. I think yours was a pure heart. - 3 years ago @RedTedFlanagan: RT @abcnews: Sister Janet Mead, who turned The Lord's ...