"Then people brought little children to him, for him to lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples scolded them, but Jesus said, 'Let the little children alone, and do not stop them from coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of Heaven belongs.' Then he la...
Seitz also painted a symbolic representation of four ideas taken from the Encyclicals of Leo XIII: Christian marriage, the praise of the Third Order of St. Francis, the condemnation of Freemasonry, and the agreement between secular and religious authority. This classical cycle of paintings is ...
We will meditate on examples of Mary's trust in God through- out her life: The Annunciation, the birth of Jesus, the Presentation, the marriage at Cana, the Cross and the ways in which Mary trusted God in all these situ- ations. On this night we are encouraged to take Mary as our...
I am a recent convert to the catholic faith. I currently live in Malta with my fiance, she and I are both blind and are to be wed on 8 March 2014. Actually she is the person who has inspired me to live a better life and leave my lutheran roots. Also she is the same person who...
According to this approach, a pro-life, anti-death penalty, pro-welfare, pro-traditional marriage ethic is internally consistent. Coalition-building then becomes difficult, because such positions are not consistent with the views of external groups. The bishops, however, are comfortable with the ...
This marriage was concluded by Paul II and Cardinal Bessarion, and served as the pretext for the tsars to declare themselves heirs of the Byzantine basileis, to take as their arms the two-headed eagle, and to assume the role of defenders and champions of the Orthodox Church. With Sophia ...
Homosexual marriage banned in Russia Teaching young children about the immoral homosexual lifestyle in schools or through propaganda is banned in Russia Estimated Number of Abortions in United States in 2023: 1,033,600 babies SAINT ANTHONY NINE DAY NOVENA ...