The Greek colonists of course took the orthodox side, or rather took the side of the Court, just as it happened to be at the time, whether orthodox or Monothelite, according to the personal policy of the successive emperors; but from the time of Chalcedon the great masses of the ...
Portugal.—I. GEOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS.—Portugal is situated on the west of the Iberian Peninsula, being bounded on the north and east by Spain and...
It has been a weird year for me spiritually. We were unable to attend Palm Sunday and Easter Masses. We experienced outdoor Mass in summer. When the weather turned, we had indoor Mass with limited capacity, tightly controlled, at least in terms of reserving a spot and seating arrangements....
and that there should be a place for Latin and, certainly for Chant in the liturgy. I submit to you that in most parishes across this country that’s not what you habitually find at the ordinary Masses for the people. Thus, although the Pope doesn’t say it in so many words...
her face toward the east. He saw the cave filled with the light that streamed from Mary, for she was entirely enveloped as if by flames. It was as if he were, like Moses, looking into the burning bush. He sank prostrate to the ground in prayer, and looked not back again. The glor...
All available job openings in the Archdiocese of Atlanta are posted here. Check back often. This is also the place to go to get a job posted.
As stated above these pseudo-Traditional Catholics who put the “Latin Mass” of antipope John XXIII beforede fide[The Faith], theseknow-nothings, with their well financed large presses are theCatholic Church's Enemy #1. The pseudo- Traditionalists are without any doubt, themost useful idiots...
and Blood. Just take a moment to let that one sink in. Not only did God decide to become man and then serve as the eternal sacrifice for our sins, but then he instituted the Eucharist and allows Himself to become physically present in tens of thousands of masses that are said every ...
was himself baptized. After being consecrated a bishop in France, Augustine returned to Canterbury, where he founded his see. He constructed a church and monastery near where the present cathedral, begun in 1070, now stands. As the faith spread, additional sees were established at London and Ro...
Its name deriving from the Latin word "novem," meaning "nine," a novena is nine days-long prayer to obtain special graces, to obtain specific intentions, for thanksgiving, or to prepare for a specific feast, such as Christmas or a Saint's day. Though they are not part of our liturgy...