I brought in my kids on this, spread out all of our children’s bibles, and we had a discussion about which ones they like the best and why. The kids weighed in from ages 8-14, and I’m going to share their thoughts and mine with all of you! We also read the story of Adam a...
Since a number of regular bloggers and visitors here at TAC are Abraham Lincoln and Civil War history buffs, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you my impressions of a unique event held last night in Lincoln’s hometown (and mine) of Springfield, Illinois. Saturday, Nov. 6,...
Something that has become more and more apparent as my kids one-by-one enter adulthood, is that while my vocation as Mom never ends, it does change! I remember those days of mothering with littles running around the house. They needed me for the physical things; food, drink, shelter, sa...
Abraham says that it is fruitless: “‘If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'” You see its not just the issue of Dives, as a fellow human being, not providing nourishment and solace to Lazarus. It is the...
My kids have given up for the most part. But I am sure that it drives them crazy that we still socialize and that their Dad is still going to work. Well they think that he should have retired after he had a stroke over a year ago. Now that WOULD kill him. ...
The ram refers to the sacrifice by Abram (Abraham) of a ram caught in a thicket in substitution for the sacrifice of his son Isaac (Genesis22). Jesus and David are members of the same genealogical family, stretching all the way back to Abraham and Isaac and Isaac’s son Jacob. ...
It is hard to understand why the killing of the kids in Bethlehem would cause crying in Ramah over other kids. The symbolic meaning of this helps us however. Because the 2NC saints have been killed by the greater Herod of the Evil Slave, and they are in Bethlehem (house of bread) ...
He looks at Abraham, the Father of the Covenant People. Abraham himself, when God promised him a great worldwide family, was not made righteous by Torah (indeed, Torah had not been given yet!), but by faith in God. At the very moment when the family was promised, the benefits of ...
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