Elizabeth of Portugal, which are of his own composition, desired that the Breviary hymns which it must be admitted are sometimes trivial in style and irregular in their prosody, should be corrected according to grammatical rules and put into true metre. To this end he called in the aid of ...
Good Friday, by general custom, is observed as a holiday throughout the State, although it is not designated as a legal holiday. The rules of the local school boards throughout the State also provide liberty to both Christian and Jewish scholars to take time from the school attendance for ...
Never let evil talk pass your lips; say only the good things men need to hear, things that will really help them. Do nothing that will sadden the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed against the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, all passion and anger, harsh words, slander...
In the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church these Lenten days are a time of preparation. They are a time of personal repentance and sacrifice. These acts lead us to a point in which we are able to fully and joyfully participate in the Holy Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter S...
The Church, from the treasury of the merits of Christ and His Saints, provides for the remission of temporal punishment through indulgenced prayers, fasting, and good works. Usually, such remission may be applied to oneself or to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. For all indulgences, one must ...
“Sunday” exception is thus really only an exception to a non-binding idea of justice for those doing the 40 day fast voluntarily, based on two considerations:(1)that Sunday, celebrating the Resurrection, is a day of celebration, not fasting, and (2) the period of time from Ash ...
All school rules have to apply to everyone, be it walk on the left, stand when a member of staff enters the room, ‘do up that top button’, or telling parents not to drive into the school (as we saw this week). Obviously extreme cases will bring exceptions, but you have to be ...
Here’s the trap of literalism: the literal mindset that only allows for one interpretation and no other is the mindset of a ten-year-old child. Piaget called it the “concrete operational” stage. This is where the rules are the most important thing, and adherence to the rules is what ...
So that Daniel added fastings and other austerities to his prayer, by which he obtained the liberty of his people, and merited that God should reveal to him several great mysteries, and bestow many signal graces and favours upon him. We see also that it is a means, always very much ...
but in subduing the body from the weight of its lower passions, thereby freeing the spirit to fly to God. As John Paul II states in his book "Love and Responsibility," the need for self-mastery and rules should not be seen as a negative, as one long 'NO', but instead, a 'YES!'...