Sisters of Carmel traditional religious goods and gift store, rosaries, chaplets, brown scapulars, crucifixes, badges, catholic books, medals, statues
As we eagerly await the celebration of Jesus’ birth and plan our gift giving to our family and friends, what simple gifts can we give to the Baby Jesus on Christmas? We had a discussion about God being the giver of all things and about us giving back to him from our hearts. Then ...
Doing good deeds and buying that special Christmas gift spreads joy. One bright spot to the week, is that we were able to get our Christmas tree up and string some lights on it. The lights on the tree always bring me peace and joy that brighten the season. I still need to decorate ...
Our kids (other than the preschooler) are still home from school. (Virtual learning FTW.) We’re still not seeing much family. We’re still not doing sports or camps or in-person extracurriculars. We took no vacation. We’re not going out to eat. Our kids haven’t been in stores in...
Pauline Books and Media is a mission of the Daughters of St. Paul. For over 100 years the sisters have been giving Christ to the world through every possible form of communications. Thanks to an outpouring of grace from the Blessed Sacrament on a teenage seminarian at the turn of the 20th...
On March 21, 1886, the Rev. J.M. Laflamme was promoted as pastor for Notre Dame de Lourdes. Finally, the affair ended. * * * A great gift for anyone who grew up Irish in New England. Available now in paperback fromAmazon. Just clickhereto order your copy. ...
Remember when churches closed, but bars, strip clubs and the liquor stores stayed open? Remember when waves of “died suddenly” went main stream and no one would say it could be the vaccines because that would be sinful-and make one a racist, bigot? Remember when Pfizer filed a claim ...
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