Saturday, Jan. 4-Blessing of the Epiphany Waterat 10am, Church Sunday, Jan 5-Signing of greeting cardfor resident bound parishioners, after 10 am Mass Monday, Jan. 6-Feast Day Mass & Coffee Social at 8:30am Wednesday, Jan. 8-Parish Life Committee, at 6:30pm, Parish Center ...
(December 2006) Volume II: First Mass of Christmas (December 2006) Volume III: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (January 2007) Volume IV: Pentecost (May 2007) Volumes I-IV: Box Collection Volume V: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (September 2007) Volume VI: Fourth Sunday after Easter (February...
Epiphany pictures Chalk Blessings Crib Scene Christmas cards Advent pictures Wear Red Day 2020 Remembrance Day Most Holy Rosary Hello Yellow Day Harvest 2020 Confirmation Projects New Beginnings Blessing Class Monitors CAFOD assembly Class Saint Class Worship 2020/2021 Catholic Life Videos RE at OLOL Pr...
The feast of the Most Holy Trinity may well be regarded as the Church’sTe Deumof gratitude over all the blessings of the Christmas and Easter seasons; for this mystery is a synthesis of Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. This feast, which falls on the first Sunday after...
Homily for the Epiphany of the LordDeacon Douglas McManaman It is fitting that we exchange gifts at Christmas, because our life in Christ is a gift exchange. He came among us precisely to exchange gifts. Jesus is God the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, who joined his divinity to...
identified with the word “solemnity” and extended to other feasts, e.g. Sp.,Pascua florida,Palm Sunday;Pascua de Pentecostes, Pentecost;Pascua de la Natividad,Christmas;Pascua de Epifania,Epiphany. In some parts ofFrancealso First Communion is calledPaques, whatever time of the year administer...
past, we’ve had our kids make star-shaped sandwiches, decorated paper crowns and eaten a Kings Cake with tiny plastic Jesus or a dried bean hidden inside. Whoever finds the baby or bean gets to pick out our next takeout meal. Others declare the finder the king or queen of Epiphany. ...
Epiphany of Our Lord January 6th Holy Family Sunday Sunday after Epiphany Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ January 13th Feast of St. Paul, First Hermit, Abbot January 15th Feast of St. Antony of the Desert, Abbot, Founder of All Religious Orders January 17th Feast of St...
Craft for Christmas withHandmade Crafts, Activities, and Giftsby Epiphany Catholic: A guide to creating decorations, ornaments, and gifts this Advent season that is budget-friendly and fun for the whole family! Praying the Promises of the Rosaryis a user-friendly devotional handbook to pray for ...
If the summer of protests didn’t, perhaps the shameful riots and breaching the Capital building of Epiphany 2021 will. There have been some sane voices from leaders on both sides of the divide. It is possible to hope, at least a little, that reason will eventually prevail. ...