by Catholic All Year | Mar 16, 2023 | Blog | 0 Comments Easter is approaching! And we didn't want you to be caught unawares. We know that there's almost nothing worse than Holy Saturday coming and not having anything to stuff Easter Baskets with. Don't ask us how we know ;)But ...
S2– April 9, 2023 Inspiration Daily Sunday Read | Happy Easter! by Susan Ciancio Hey everyone, this is John Cardenas, and I’m excited to tell you about a powerful Inspiration Sunday read that’s perfect for this Easter season. Narrated by Jennifer, “Happy Easter!” by Susan Ciancio is...
Homemade Easter Candles or the Coronavirus Wins by Kendra | Apr 6, 2020 | Catholic All Year Shop, Catholic Living, Easter, Liturgical Year, Weird Catholic Stuff | 15 Comments Easter candles, you guys. EASTER CANDLES. We must have them. And really, my family can't imagine missing out co...
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April 16, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday (Year A) The Eighth Day in the Octave of Easter Readings for Today Video Saint Faustina reports in herDiarywhat Jesus told her about Divine Mercy Sunday: “My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy ...
Though we journey through difficult times, as our current Lenten journey shows us, we are ultimately an Easter people- a people of hope and joy. One of the most common things people comment when they first come to a retreat, event or program at the CEC is that they feel such a great ...
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Like this: Loading... Posted byMaryApril 7, 2023Posted inChurch Season, Mass, Mt. EverestTags:Easter, God, Jesus, ReligionLeave a comment on Easter Duty Featured Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Photo credit: Sue Nagy Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Glory to the Newborn King! Joyful Encounter...
Easter weekend is right around the one year anniversary of when the path became increasingly difficult for us to walk, and as a person prone to marking landmarks in time and using them as opportunities to reflect, I found myself talking to JP about the past year as we sat outside our ...
4/2/2023 Fasting is usually something that we Catholics only consider during the Lenten season as we prepare for Easter. But, perhaps we should possibly think about expanding our horizons concerning fasting and use this worthy spiritual practice throughout the year. The Crucifixion: The Sorrowful...