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With over 4,000 5-Star Reviews, we hope that you will agree that iMissal is the #1 Catholic App. iMissal has been granted an official Imprimatur from the Catho…
by Kendra | Apr 6, 2020 | Catholic All Year Shop, Catholic Living, Easter, Liturgical Year, Weird Catholic Stuff | 15 Comments Easter candles, you guys. EASTER CANDLES. We must have them. And really, my family can't imagine missing out completely on the stirringly beautiful beginning of ...
The impact of the newly formed mission of the CEC made an impression on Zach that would bring in back in 2023. In late winter of 2023, CEC executive director Joe Meyer received a text message from Zach saying that he is currently studying abroad in Spain but would like to be an intern...
Happy Easter, and thanks for tuning in! S2– aired April 2, 2023 Inspiration Daily Sunday Read | The Messiah by David Dashiell In this special Inspiration Sunday Read, join Jennifer as she delves into the dramatic events of Holy Week and the powerful impact of recognizing Jesus as the Messia...
April 16, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday (Year A) The Eighth Day in the Octave of Easter Readings for Today Video Saint Faustina reports in herDiarywhat Jesus told her about Divine Mercy Sunday: “My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy ...
Like this: Loading... Posted byMaryApril 7, 2023Posted inChurch Season, Mass, Mt. EverestTags:Easter, God, Jesus, ReligionLeave a comment on Easter Duty Featured Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Photo credit: Sue Nagy Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Glory to the Newborn King! Joyful Encounter...
We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus by proclaiming “he has risen,” which marks the event itself; this is the Easter message. But we can also think of it as a command, a habit of sorts, to act in spite of insurmountable challenges: “to rise.” By recognizing that the human conditi...
4/16/2023 The Catholic Café - Fraternal Correction-04/16/23 Fasting is Good 4/2/2023 Fasting is usually something that we Catholics only consider during the Lenten season as we prepare for Easter. But, perhaps we should possibly think about expanding our horizons concerning fasting and use...
“I look forward to a grand celebration sometime in Easter 2021 at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace,” he said. “I am also planning to lead a Pilgrimage to the Philippines in 2021 for us to understand and appreciate even more the gift of faith of our Filipino brethren,” ...