I’ll also finalize the guest list for our Good Friday Fish Fry and Easter Sunday Dinner, and make up my shopping lists for the food we’ll need for the rest of the week. Try It! Tidy a couple more rooms of the house. Figure out what you are doing for Easter dinner. — 3 — S...
Seasonal Customs: Advent, Christmas, Septuagesima, Lent, Easter, & Feast Days Holy Years of Jubilee The Catholic Day, Week, & Month Keeping the Lord's Day Name Days The Canonical Hours The Angelus Sacred Space The Domestic Church: The Catholic Home ...
Celebrate Easter with Amen through our Daily Catholic Prayers, bible readings, rosary & more! Amen is the Catholic Bible and prayers app that helps inspire you…
Christmas looms larger in the secular (and sometimes Christian) mindset. But Easter and Holy Week leading up to it is really the “bigger deal” when you think about it. That’s both from the perspective of Jesus’ resurrection being the most important moment on the Church’s liturgical cal...
Giving Catholic jewelry on holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day makes faith, love, and gratitude the focal point. Many holidays originated within the Church but have now become secularized. Keeping Christ at the center of our lives when we celebrate keeps Him always in our mind...
In the case of Confession, that institution occurred on Easter Sunday, when Christ first appeared to the apostles after his Resurrection. Breathing on them, he said: “Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are ...
And we proclaim that good news by carrying that risen life within us, by living in the joy of Easter. That’s what did it for me when I was 17 years old and hitchhiking; it wasn’t the answers to my questions that I was given by this priest, nor any kind of apologetics that ...
Afterwards, we had a delicious dinner followed by Deacon Rich's presentation, "Faith and Family." John Ramming, President of Courage Unlimited, then spoke about "Duffy the Lion"—one of our Pennsylvania State pro-life charities. We were sorry to hear that our Catholic Daughter of the Year ...
Advent is one of the richest seasons in the Church’s year in terms of traditions that can help us grow closer to the Lord. First and foremost Advent is a time of preparation. Before the Church’s two most important feasts (Christmas and Easter) we are given a period of time to reflec...
"Easter Bunny" Mess in which the presbyter concelebrates the Mess with an Easter bunny, who hands out chocolate eggs for "communion" Novus Ordo Presbyter Hartberg, Austria April 8, 2012 "Family" Mess in which the presbyter performs the Mess while the kids loll around the "sanctuary" bored ...