Catholic dioceses have been consolidating and clustering churches and schools that share a demographic area, and a really well-organized website can serve as a hub of information for discovering resources, events, and opportunities that connect the parish families. Saint John Paul II Pastorate Dioces...
Illinois, one of the United States of America, bounded on the north by Wisconsin, on the west by the Mississippi, which separates it from Iowa and Missouri, on the south by the confluent waters of the Mississippi and the Ohio, which separate it from Kentucky, on the east by Indiana and...
general are conducting investigations of how church officials handled abuse allegations, including reporting them to civil law enforcement, largely in the wake of the Pennsylvania attorney general office’s 2018 grand jury report that looked at how abuse allegations were handled in six dioceses. (...
Religious bodies such as dioceses, synods, conferences, and the like may obtain corporate powers to hold property, sue and be sued, etc., by electing not less than three or more than nine trustees and filing certificates of such election and the corporate name by which they are to be ...
All services associated with Newchurch dioceses/Newdioceses (including FSSP, ICRSS, and other organization affiliated with the New Order sect), whether in Latin or in the vulgar tongues, are invalid under the principles of traditional Catholic theology and should, therefore, be scrupulously shunned ...
always glowed with some heat at various levels within the organization, but when bishops themselves began to light a match and then use their authority to require others to do so, the low level fever of error in ember form explodes into a raging inferno. Now it swallows up entire dioceses....
The examples are all drawn from public and official sources, usually press releases from the dioceses or the Vatican Press Office. For larger versions of the photos, details on the Messes, and a commentary on each, use the Site Search engine in the TRADITIO Network's Daily Commentaries from ...
The dioceses are divided into parishes, variously grouped, the most usual organization being that of deaneries. In the parish the authority of the Church is brought into intimate touch with the daily life of the people. The main duties of the parish priest are to offer the sacrifice of the...
practice because of the unwieldy nature of it, as well as the concomitant almost inevitable recourse to extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to carry it out. Not only did reception under both forms continue, but dozens of bishops mandated it for their dioceses. Rome blinked.Disobedience ...
Paul, the number of Catholics in Minnesota is estimated to have been about 1000. In 1888 the See of St. Paul was raised to archiepiscopal rank, the dioceses of St. Cloud, Winona, Duluth, Fargo, Sioux Falls, and Lead becoming later its suffragans. As each of these dioceses is treated...