St. Anne Catholic School - family oriented, Catholic school community for Pre-K through 8th grade located in Beaumont, Texas.
Piacenza, Diocese of (PLACENTINENSIS), in Emilia, central Italy. The city is situated on the right of the Po, near its junction with the Trebbia, in an importan...
Grenoble, (1) Diocese of (GRATIANOPOLITANA), now comprises the Department of Isere and the Canton of Villeurbanne (Rhone). The ancient diocese was a suffragan o...
Founded in 1962, Clearwater Central Catholic High School (CCC) is a college-preparatory and International Baccalaureate (IB) School incorporated within the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida, with an enrollment of about 560 students in Grades 9 - 12. It is accredited byAdvancED/Cogniaand theFlor...
Durham (DUNELMUM), Ancient CATHOLIC Diocese of (DUNELMENSIS).—This diocese holds a unique position among English bishoprics. Owing to its geographical position on the Scottish border, the successive bishops were led to assume constitutional and political functions in addition to their spiritual offi...
Bible Christian Society, an apologetics and evangelization apostolate that reaches hundreds of thousands of people each year across the United States and throughout the world with the truths of the Catholic Faith. He is currently the director of evangelization for the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama...
Lieutenant-General Cabell of the Army of the Confederacy, who died in the Diocese of Dallas, February 17, 1911, was a convert to the Catholic Faith. POPULATION ACCORDING TO RELIGIOUS BELIEF.—In numbers, the Catholic population ranks third of all the religious denominations in the State. The...
The population is now (1910) about 50,000; the municipal life of the city is vigorous and flourishing, and its relations with the university are more intimate and cordial than they have ever been during their long history. Oxford is the cathedral city of the Anglican Diocese of Oxford, ...
Sancho the Great was brought up at Leyra, which was also for a short time the capital of the Diocese of Pamplona. Beside this see, there existed the Bishopric of Oca, which was united in 1079 to that of Burgos. In 1035 Sancho the Great reestablished the See of Palencia, which had ...
Bigot de Preameneu and Maury suggested to the emperor a possible arrangement: to invite the chapter in each diocese to designate the bishop who had been nominated, but not yet canonically instituted, provisional administrator. Fesch refused to lend himself to this expedient and occupy the ...