declineUSAeffects on studentsfuture of Catholic schoolsCatholic schools in the United States have been in a serious state of decline, with the closing of a rising number of Catholic elementary and secondary schools, a major drop in student enrolments, and a real shortage of clergy and religious...
The rate has become a serious concern for Russia as it fights to stem a steep population decline Mizulina said she wants to see public debate on abortions before the bill is submitted to parliament, an apparent attempt to build support after similar legislation stalled last year. A bill ...
The Catholic American Thinker position is that an ordained priest is forever a priest, different from the rest of us and set apart, not just in this life, but for all eternity. Consider the decline of the orders of nuns, which if anything is worse than the decline in priests today. I...
Population decline (7) pornography (32) Portugal (52) poverty (17) Praedicate Evangelium (16) prayer (99) Prayers (9) Pregnancy (16) Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (5) President Donald Trump (24) President Joe Biden (171) Pride Month (18) Priest (22) Priest killed (9) Priesthood (93)...
s slide towards cultural and social moral decadence and decline, plus the antidote to the negative and demeaning identity politics that are rampant today. I used those chapters to exhort Catholic creatives and creative “wannabes” to apply the lessons the Blessed Mother taught us in Mexico, ...
VARIOUS USA ONLINE QUINCEANERA THE PETITION FOR MASS The Petition form to request a Quinceanera Mass is available in the Parish Office. Mass Day and Time = Saturday @ 11:00 am or @ 1:00 pm, depending on church calendar and priest calendar. Mass Language = English or Bi-lingual or Spanish...
Was the most powerful "Cardinal" in America after Vatican II a secret Satanist?[PDF] The Statistics on the Post-Vatican II Decline[PDF File] Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid- This article explains why the New Rite of Ordination – which was instituted by Paul VI on June 18, 19...
Some of this is due to the decline in American jurisprudence over the past century, some is due to the unpredictability of the future decisions of justices, and some is due to the poor selections of nominees. In general, Judge Kavanaugh seems to be a friend of religious liberty, although ...
In the late nineteenth and Show More Our Community Center Located at 5826 N. Elston Ave., Chicago Kolping has been at our present location since 1970. Our Community Center serves as our own meeting location, as well as the meeting location for other organizations who may not otherwise have ...
However, when the frequency of attendance at religious services is analyzed, a slow decline in the number of those attending weekly and a slow increase in the percentage of those attending irregularly or not at all (Polish Public Opinion Research Center, CBOS, 2020) is visible. These data ...