Our parish mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to our local community in word, deed, and truth. We provide opportunities for spiritual growth, learning, and worship to live more fully the Gospel Values of Jesus. We share our time, talent, and treasure to help those in need inside...
Hence, each billionaire “owes” something “back” to the larger community. Exactly as if he took it or stole it from someone, or from everyone. Of course, wealth is not a fixed pie in the first place. Wealth is created, multiplied, expended, wasted and destroyed, in a never ending...
Hence, each billionaire “owes” something “back” to the larger community. Exactly as if he took it or stole it from someone, or from everyone. Of course, wealth is not a fixed pie in the first place. Wealth is created, multiplied, expended, wasted and destroyed, in a never ending...