Reflection on the above readings:In today's readings God calls Isaiah, Paul and Peter/James/John ... all of whom expressed their unworthiness - c.f.wounded witnesses Reflection by Fr Peter:EnglishChinese --- Video commentary on today's readings -in Italian, Chinese, English, and Spanish(+...
Jerome in his commentary on the above words of our Lord says: “The dignity of a soul is so great, that each has a guardian angel from its birth.” The general doctrine that the angels are our appointed guardians is considered to be a point of faith [cf. Mazzella, De Deo Creante (...
Including Incisive Commentary from the Anglican Tractarian John Keble (1792-1866) Excerpts are from Primitive Tradition Recognised in Holy Scripture (London: Rivington: 1839), by John Keble (page numbers in green). I use RSV for biblical citations. *** 1 Corinthians 11:1-2 Be imitators of ...
Our parish is now using Flocknote to communicate with parishioners via text and email. Sign up today to stay informed on the latest news and events at St. Michael’s parish. Join the Pro-Life Movement If you are interested in helping with pro-life activities, please join our cause by cont...
Gratia plena. See Lucas Burgensis on this place. When she had heard. In the Greek text, when she had seen; as if she also saw the angel, as St. Ambrose observed. (Witham) Luk 1:31 may perhaps in the first instance of reflection, appear shocking to our ideas, that a God should ...
Most A Commentary on the Pauline Epistles. Spiritual J.H.-Col. Healing Through the Mass Robert DeGrandis SSJ Resurrection Press Spiritual H.S. Day by Day: The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students Thomas McNally and William G. Storey Ave Maria Press Spiritual H.S. Love: A Fruit Always ...
ON CATECHESIS IN OUR TIME Link to Vatican Document Links To More Than 100 Other Highly Recommended(Mostly) Catholic News, Commentary and Information Sites July 25, 2022 Categories: Books & Publications . Tags: apologetics, bible, catholic, Catholic-Church, church, commentary, courses, death, ...
FromCatholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew, page 274-5: “This counterquestion is not a change of topic. In this question Jesus implies continuity between John’s ministry and his own: just as John’s authority came from God, so does his. At the same time, Jesus...
The rubrics were corrupted so that Marian feasts are almost never celebrated on Sunday (e.g., the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Veneration of the Saints, particularly the Holy Apostles and other great Saints, was degraded with the eliminati...
”It was right indeed that he (Paul) should be anxious to see Peter; for he was the first among the apostles, and was entrusted by the Savior with the care of the churches.” Ambrosiaster, Commentary on Galatians, PL 17:344 (A.D. 384). “Peter bore the person of the church.” ...