Jesus said: “My people, you remember well on the ‘Chosen’ movie series how I healed the man of a withered hand in a synagogue, and then I told My apostles ‘You may’ in allowing them to eat the heads of grain on the Sabbath because they were hungry. I told those people, who ...
Then follow Conrad of Eberbach (Exordium Magnum Ordinis Cisterciensis); Aelred, Abbot of Rieval (Sermons); Serlon, Abbot of Savigny (Sermons); Thomas of Citeaux (Commentary on the Canticle of Canticles); Caramuel, the Universal Doctor, author of a Moral Theology very much esteemed, whom ...
commentary (15) common good (7) Commonweal (7) Communio (14) Communion (40) Communion and Liberation (12) Communism (95) Communist Party of China (7) Community of Sant'Egidio (5) conclave (6) Condolences (6) confession (39) Confessions (6) confirmation (9) Congo (8) Congregation for...
Bellarmine - Commentary on the Psalms A Genereal Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture The Gospel According to St. Matthew With Commentary The Great Commentary An Exposition Of The Acts Of The Apostles An Exposition Of The Gospels
(Ephesians 6:9) Guest Commentary "The Catechism of the Catholic Church for Eastern Catholics in the Year of Faith" By Father G. Scott Boghossian In his famous 1890 inspira- tional lecture, Acres of Dia- monds, the renowned philanthropist Russel H. Conwell tells the story of a wealthy ...
sows goodness in human souls and fruit that endures. This has long been a teaching of the Jewish and Christian traditions. The USCCB’s commentary on Revelation 14:13 provides that “according to Jewish thought, people’s actions followed them as witnesses before the court of God.” Those act...
Formerly entitled: "What Does The Prayer Really Say?" – Clear, straight commentary on Catholic issues, liturgy and life by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf o{]:¬)Skip to content LOG IN CONTACT Fr Z REGISTER ASK FATHER QUESTION BOX THE RULES™ FOR THIS BLOG PODCAzT PAGE FORM FOR MASS INTENTION ...
I invite input and commentary! Once again something small and seemingly simple turns out to be of surprising complexity, and to contain a lovely internal symmetry… The Free Will Defense Against the Problem of Evil |Leave a comment Because I am now a priest, I’m often asked to field relig...
This:(8) The overall effect of articles such as this and much of the commentary on the further right has been many more illnesses, deaths and pandemic prolongation with all of its deleterious societal effects then need have been.” That is just plain hogwash and lacking in intelligent content...