Catholic Classical Education School in Wausau, which seeks to glorify God through the mastery of the seven liberal arts.
The Christian Home Schoolby Gregg Harris (Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publ., Brentwood, TN) For The Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and Schoolby Susan Schaeffer Macaulay (Crossway Books, Westchester, IL) Guiding Your Preschooler: Bring up Kids Roman Catholicby Kathy Pierce with Lori ...
Catholic Classical Education Home [Show thumbnails] Our goal is to introduce students to a Catholic understanding of the liberal arts and to lead them on the pathway of truth, goodness, and beauty. We use the Socratic discussion method so that students learn why something is. Real education en...
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Welcome to St. Therese Catholic School This Week Notes and Reminders Previous Notes & Reminders Truth. Beauty. Goodness. Unity.These are the hallmarks of a St. Therese education. Steeped in the Catholic Classical Liberal Arts tradition, St. Therese students pursue Truth, honor Beauty, love Goodne...
Description Catholic Heritage Curricula’s exclusive materials and lesson plans fit together to provide a solid, complete, family-friendly Catholic education. Gathering from the wisdom and experience of homeschoolers living in all parts of the world, CHC developed a gentle, flexible approach to academi...
Catholic School Playbook is a free, online resource to help reverse the Catholic school enrollment crisis. Compiled from interviews with leaders of thriving Catholic schools, the Playbook shares best practices in all areas, especially mission, teacher tr
St. Malachy Catholic School serves students in and around Tamarac, Florida in grades PreK, PreK-4, VPK, and Kindergarten. We are proud to offer a classical elementary education featuring STREAM learning taught by qualified, licensed teachers in a warm, c
Today's Catholic Homeschooling Information and Inspiration for your Catholic Homeschool Journey Recent Posts Posted inPractical Tips Teaching Children to Use Their Imagination When Praying the Rosary I write Catholic fiction. Before I type my first word, I spend a lot of time visualizing a scene....
On the Continent also the education of the laity, “gentle and simple”, fell to the lot of the monks. It is difficult to say when the distinction between the “internal” school (schola claustri) and the “external” (schola canonica, s. extern) was first introduced. We find it in ...