Why did Canada, population 37 million, just order 293 million covid vaccine doses? I know for a fact that the "covid pass" app in France has 8! slots available for future "covid vaccinations" entries. The app was initially meant to be used until mid-November... But we know very we...
Stephen Wirkes, (315) 343-3953 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm Basilica of the Sacred Heart 927 Park Ave., Syracuse, NY 13204 Presb. Peter & William Gleba, (315) 422-2343 Newdiocese, SU 4 pm Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God Church 450 Wilkinson St., Syracuse, NY 13204 Fr. Timothy Pfeiffer...
Another “desert” was founded by the Calced Carmelites in 1741 at Neti near Syracuse in honor of the Madonna dells Scala. A suggestion made in the course of the seventeenth century to the Discalced Carmelites of the Italian congregation to introduce perpetual mental prayer after the manner in...